Dr. John MacArthur is pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church. Following in the steps of his father, Dr. Jack MacArthur, John represents five successive generations of pastors in his family. He is also president of The Master's College and Seminary and is heard daily on "Grace to You," a nationally syndicated radio broadcast. The Grace to You ministry has distributed more than 10 million audiocassettes of his messages. John is also the author of many books, including The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series, The Gospel According to Jesus, and the newly-released The MacArthur Study Bible.
John Macarthur
Category: Theology
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Charles Dickens. William Shakespeare. Garrison Keillor. They're all part of the chorus of literary geniuses who expressed admiration for The Parable of the Prodigal Son as outstanding literature. After all, it is a powerful drama, rich in detail, powerfully succinct, and intensely personal. But beyond the literary critiques-besides being one of the most celebrated written works of all time-the message of this parable is one we can't afford to ignore. In A Tale of Two Sons, John MacArthur takes the story back to its roots, when Jesus' words were absolutely revolutionary. As one of America's most beloved Bible teachers, MacArthur leads us through the minefields of interpretation and restores the simple yet profound brilliance of this passage. Giving engrossing historical background, A Tale of Two Sons will reveal Christ's original message as intended for the Pharisees, the disciples, and the world today.
John Macarthur
Category: Theology
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With small congregations struggling to keep their doors open, and larger churches competing for their share of the unchurched market, many are looking to new techniques to draw bigger crowds. In Ashamed of the Gospel (third edition), John MacArthur offers a biblical analysis of the user-friendly philosophy of ministry and church growth that is sweeping through many congregations. The third edition features two new chapters responding to the modern phenomenons of the emergent church and the latest fads in "church growth" methodology. The appendixes on Finney and Spurgeon's Down-Grade controversy are worth the admission price alone. Read this book and exercise faithfulness to the once for all delivered faith.
John Macarthur
Category: Eschatology
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The end of the world is coming. From roadside signs to science fiction films, this slogan underscores our society’s nervous fascination with the future. God has told us how the world will end. And He has assured us that the end of this age will mark the beginning of a new, glorious one in which we will serve and worship Him in sinless perfection. All of this is laid out in the book of Revelation. Not only is Revelation the inspired Word of God, it is also the only New Testament book that includes a promised spiritual blessing for those who study and apply its message. Those who ignore Revelation deprive themselves of a rich treasure of divine truth, and the promised blessings that come from understanding that truth. Join John MacArthur as he explains the book of Revelation in a way that is both doctrinally precise (though Amillenialists and Postmillenialists may beg to differ) and intensely practical.
John Macarthur
Category: Apologetics
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Recognizing the importance of the charismatic movement and the need for a biblical evaluation of it, MacArthur analyzes the doctrinal differences between charismatics and non-charismatics in the light of Scripture. The charismatic movement of the past quarter-century has made an impact on the church unparalleled in history. But one legacy of the movement is confusion and mushy thinking. "My principal concern," writes MacArthur, "is to call the church to a firm commitment to the purity and authority of the Scriptures, and thereby to strengthen the unity of the true church." To tough questions that seem to divide, Charismatic Chaos provides tougher answers that strive to unite. This book tackles such questions as - Is experience a valid test of truth? - Does God still give revelation? - Prophets, fanatics, or heretics? - Does God still heal? - What should we think of the Signs and Wonders movement? - Does the Bible promise health and wealth? A beneficial read regardless of which side of the fence you are on.
John Macarthur
Category: Theology
Click Here To OrderPopular perception of Jesus Christ is that of a tempered, genteel man who walked the earth, offering nuggets of wisdom to His followers. But what we sometimes fail to recognize is that although Jesus Christ offered a message of forgiveness, He also spoke challenging, demanding words about what being a follower of Christ requires. In contrast to the superficiality of much modern Christian teaching, Dr. John MacArthur serves up the unvarnished truth of what Christ taught and lived. In simple, compelling terms, he spells out what is required of those who would follow Him. Going beyond Jesus' life to include the crucifixion and resurrection, MacArthur shows readers that Jesus modeled the commitment and loving obedience He requires of us by making the ultimate sacrifice for humankind.
Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, John Macarthur, C J Mahaney, Al Mohler, John Piper, R C Sproul
Category: Church
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Proclaiming the gospel is without a doubt the most important task of pastoral ministry, yet often other, seemingly more urgent activities obscure it. From time to time all pastors and preachers need to be reminded of the primacy of the gospel. Preaching the Cross does just this. It is a call to expository, gospel-centered preaching as the center of pastoral ministry. This volume showcases an unprecedented combination of pastors representing a variety of evangelical traditions. Though they differ on some secondary points of church practice, they all enthusiastically celebrate the centrality of the cross of Christ — keeping the main thing the main thing. That message every reader can take away from this book and adopt in his pastoral ministry.
John Macarthur
Category: Parenting
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Every parent who has lost a child has dealt with disturbing, haunting questions. Why my child? Where is my baby now? Will I ever see my child again? Renowned Bible expositor John MacArthur tackles the question of infant death (in the womb or following birth) in his trademark style--with detailed attention to Scriptures that hold the answers. No death occurs apart from the purposes of God, MacArthur assures readers, just as no life occurs apart from the purposes of God. With a pastor's heart, he leads readers to an understanding of the eternal destination of these precious little ones. His conclusion: Babies - and anyone else who has not reached the condition of accountability - go to heaven when they die, and there will, indeed, be a time of blessed reunion with these souls. This is a beautiful and comforting apologetic on the eternal destiny of souls with an all too brief sojourn on this planet.
John Macarthur
Category: Marriage, Parenting
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With traditional family values in decline and under assault, how can parents convey Godly principles and morals amid competing messages? In The Fulfilled Family, John MacArthur, respected Bible teacher as well as experienced father and grandfather, takes a look at strategy for families as outlined in Ephesians 5 and 6. What is MacArthur's secret to his successful family? "There's no magic. There's no formula. There's no gimmick," he says. "It's not about how many times we did something, or who was in charge of this or that, or what kind of processes or methods we used. It comes down to questions that have to start in my heart: Am I committed to obedience to the Spirit of God? Am I committed to the controlling influences of the Word of God? Am I going to live out a Christian life? Because you must first answer yes to all of those questions before you have a successful family."
John Macarthur
Category: Theology
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What did Jesus mean when He said, “Follow me”? Twenty years ago John MacArthur tackled that seemingly simple question and provided the evangelical world with the biblical answer. For many, the reality of Jesus’ demands has proved thoroughly searching, profoundly disturbing, and uncomfortably invasive; and yet, heeding His words is eternally rewarding. The 20th-anniversary edition of MacArthur’s provocative book has revised and expanded the original version to handle contemporary challenges. The debate over what some have called “Lordship salvation” hasn’t ended — every generation must face the demands of Christ’s Lordship.
John Macarthur
Category: Theology
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Ever since the days of the apostles Paul and James, who seemed to be in contradiction, Christians have struggled to define the proper tension between faith and works. Salvation, Paul stresses, is "not by works, so that no one can boast" (
Ephesians 2:8-9). But James argues, "Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works" (
James 2:18). In clear and compelling terms, John MacArthur reconciles these two seemingly divergent threads of biblical truth, addressing the difficult questions head on: What is cheap grace? Have some Christians adopted a "no-lordship" theology? What must a person do to be considered righteous by God? Do your works have any affect on your salvation? This book is the companion to "The Gospel According To Jesus".
John Macarthur
Category: Apologetics
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If you’ve ever wondered how to deal with false teachers and their bad theology, where better to look than Jesus and His example. So how did Jesus deal with religious leaders who taught error and rejected the gospel? Did He seek common doctrinal ground and engage in dialogue? Did He soften and adapt the gospel so it wouldn’t confront or make them uncomfortable? In this book, John MacArthur explores the Lord’s many personal, often explosive encounters with the influential teachers of His day. You’ll see how both Jesus’ message and His manner have direct application for believers who love truth in this age of accommodation and compromise.
John Macarthur (Commentaries)
Category: Theology
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For years, the spiritual lives of countless men and women all over the world have been strengthened with the help of The MacArthur Study Bible. This all-in-one spiritual library contains John's personal study notes below the full-length Bible text. Virtually every Scripture has a matching study note with detailed information, explanation, and helpful insight. The MacArthur Study Bible is a resource that can transform your personal time in God's Word by clarifying difficult passages, bringing unseen cultural and historical details to life, and helping you understand and apply biblical truth.
John Macarthur
Category: Apologetics
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Right now, truth is under attack, and it's going on within the boundaries of evangelicalism. With the "emergence" of the emergent movement there has been an unprecedented increase in attacks on the authority of Scripture and it's claims on absolute truth. There's a lot at stake and there's no middle ground — no safe zone for the uncommitted in this war. John MacArthur has written this book to unveil the enemy's tactics and equip you to fight. Here's what you'll learn: The pitfalls of postmodern thinking; the inherent flaws of the Emerging Church Movement; the historic skirmishes in the truth war and their effect on the contemporary church; the vital importance of truth and certainty in a postmodern age.
John Macarthur
Category: Parenting
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More than ever, Christians need to know what the Bible actually teaches about parenting, and put it into practice. In What the Bible Says About Parenting, pastor/teacher John MacArthure presents time-proven principles of biblical parenting clearly and carefully to help parents make sense of their duties before God and to bring up their children in the ways of the Lord. In addition to this new trade paper edition (previously titled Successful Christian Parenting), there is also a resource kit and two workbooks available to help Christian parents instruct their children in a godly manner.