This is an album that carries strong reformation overtones - and not by chance. It was made soon after Steve Camp's "107 Theses" was nailed to the door of the CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) Industry. That was a call to reform the CCM industry's downward spiral into compromise and worldliness. Likewise, this CD is a call to reformation in every sphere of our lives. This CD stands as an example of what Christian music should be – that which exalts God and His Word, while calling His people to repentance and righteousness. Camp’s songs are informed and infused with the Word of God. If you prefer steak to cotton candy in your spiritual diet, then you will love this album.
AWESOME GOD - Sovereign Grace Music

How do children learn about God’s greatness? One excellent way is to sing songs that express God’s character and nature in words that kids understand. That’s the premise of the first Sovereign Grace Kids CD, Awesome God. The twelve songs on this CD have been selected and arranged to help kids better comprehend and worship God for who he is. It’s a great tool for parents and even children’s ministry workers to use in explaining some of the attributes of our great God. My children love this CD and are actually learning good theology through singing along.
EXALTED WORSHIP - Scott Krippayne

Great Hymns performed by Scott Krippayne and puritan prayers recited by Kirk Cameron. As a diamond shines more brightly against a black cloth, so God’s grace is most amazing when it is seen against the backdrop of our sinfulness. Getting low before God is not easy. “Exalted Worship” labors to bring us there. And when we are brought low before the throne, He is lifted higher and we are made infinitely amazed at so great a salvation.

Here is the soundtrack to my favorite movie. This CD has a lot of orchestral instrumentals woven between all the great songs from the movie Fireproof including "Slow Fade", "I Am Waiting", and "Love Is Not A Fight". These are songs that relate specifically to the subject matter of the movie and serve as a timely musicl reminder to be vigilant in protecting my marriage and modelling it on Christ's love for His Church.
PSALMS - Sovereign Grace Music

Sovereign Grace Music are my favorite artists for applying beautiful and modern music to old truths without doing violence to Scripture. For centuries the book of Psalms has informed, directed, and inspired the worship of God’s people. Without minimizing the struggles of living in a fallen world, this book exudes a confident trust in the God who is good and rules over all. These twelve songs have emerged from those ancient poems and prayers. The guys at Sovereign Grace Music offer fresh interpretations of individual psalms, especially in light of the crucified and risen Savior to whom they point.
SEEDS OF COURAGE - Seeds Family Worship

Our kids just love this CD. Very catchy and rockin' music that teach our children to memorize Bible verses. My three year old now knows Psalm 34:18 because it is his favorite song. In fact every member of the family has a favorite song - even mum and dad, but we have to wait our turn!
SNAZZY - Go Fish

This is one of the coolest kids CD you are ever going to hear. Learn all the books of the Bible in three minutes, get funky while putting on your jammies, and get ready to start a mosh pit with David and Goliath. Most of all, have fun listening to Go Fish remind the world that music for kids does not have to be lame! Go Fish albums are always full of great acapella harmonies and biblically solid lyrics. This is our kid's favorite singalong in the car and mum and dad don't mind it one little bit.

A first for Sovereign Grace Ministries, Songs for the Cross Centered Life is a worship CD inspired by a book. What the book does in print, this CD does in 14 cross-centered songs, five of which are new and nine are updated favorites from earlier recordings. The CD includes a booklet that contains the entire first chapter from The Cross Centered Life, making the project an inspiring reminder of how to preach the gospel to ourselves and equipping us with songs by which to do this.

The Atonement is a thematic lyrical presentation of the great saving work accomplished on the cross 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ. These lyrics are written and performed by rapper Shai Linne. Rap and Hip Hop isn't everyone's cup of tea but this guys packs some serious theological punch. Each song is an expression of either the necessity of, the event of, or the implications of The Atonement. That which the Bible refers to as “of first importance” (1 Cor. 15:3) gets center stage here. Shai Linne will be your narrator, but the star of The Atonement is Jesus Christ. Be warned at the outset that both the content and the music often convey the weightiness and darkness that such a sobering subject requires. This is not easy, casual listening. In fact, it’s challenging at times. If that’s what you desire, then you’re welcome to join us as we take a sonic journey into the very heart of the Christian faith.
WORSHIP GOD LIVE - Sovereign Grace Music

Worship God Live is a live recording from Sovereign Grace Music, capturing two evenings in February 2005 at Covenant Life Church (Gaithersburg, MD). Featuring worship leaders Bob Kauflin and Pat Sczebel, this CD includes 14 new songs from two generations of songwriters: Bob Kauflin, Mark Altrogge, Stephen Altrogge, Steve & Vikki Cook, Pat Sczebel, Jonathan Baird, Ryan Baird, Adam Sacks, and Rich Dalmas. The songs cover a wide range of styles, but are all congregationally oriented. Two of the songs feature lyrics from Isaac Watts (“O God Our Help in Ages Past”) and William Cowper (“God Moves”), set to new melodies. Great reformed theology captured in excellent modern musical style.
I have grown tired of the abundance of theologically shallow "worship music" and wanted to provide something that is both musically appealing and biblically excellent.
Should point out that Leeland, Casting Crowns, and Third Day, who are on the 'Fireproof' soundtrack, generally sing what you consider 'theologically shallow "worship music" '. I haven't seen 'Fireproof' yet so can't comment on the soundtrack.
Also, saw this mentioned on a blog last month - a guy who pole dancers to Gospel music of various genres, including rap. He says that this is how he worships God. I can see a similarity with him and Shai Linne.
Gerard, thanks for your comments. You may have a point with those bands featured on the Fireproof soundtrack. But I can only comment on the individual songs featured on the Fireproof soundtrack - and I honestly found those songs to be appropriate at the least and excellent at best as they related to the content of the movie itself. And the movie was very Gospel centered. You'll struggle to find many better.
Concerning your other comment, I struggle to fathom a similarity between a pole dancer and Shai Linne.
If you want Bible centered music you can never go wrong with Michael Card my favorite is the "Ancient Faith Trilogy" by the way his books are also very Biblical. His newest is called "A Better Freedom: Finding Life as Slaves of Christ."
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