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Justin Peters delivers this seminar which is a fair, comprehensive, biblical critique of the modern Word of Faith movement. Word of Faith theology (WoF) dominates Christian satellite and cable television and is making alarming inroads into more theologically conservative, evangical churches. This seminar contains dozens of audio and video clips (primarily the latter) of various WoF leaders such as Benny Hinn, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Jessie Duplantis, Creflo Dollar, etc. incorporated into a PowerPoint format. This format allows people to see and hear for themselves what these individuals are actually teaching. Everything then is, in turn, balanced with Scripture.

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Can I trust the Bible? Did God really write it? Can I bank my eternity on it? Proving the Bible is supernaturally inspired by God is as simple as looking inside its pages. If I said, "The president lives in the White House," and you said, “Prove it.” It would be reasonable for me to say, "Let's go look in the White House windows and see if he lives there." If we saw the president living there, we could then conclude, "The president lives in the White House." The same thing is true for the Bible. Once you look in its pages, the reality is undeniable, "God wrote this book and I can stake my eternity on it." Join Todd Friel as he takes you on a lightning tour of the Bible in a matter of minutes and you will conclude, "God wrote this book." This double DVD set is a fantastic tool to aid in our defense of the authority of sacred Scripture.

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The planetarium show from the Answers In Genesis Creation Museum. Beginning from a stunning perspective just above the International Space Station, this fast-moving DVD probes the reaches of space as you are taken on a journey beyond our solar system to the edge of the known universe . . . and back again! Combining eye-popping images and state-of-the-art animation with faith-affirming facts from science and Scripture, this awe-inspiring planetarium show reveals amazing facts about our universe while exalting God as Creator. You will travel thousands of light-years between billions of planets, stars, nebulae, and galaxies to discover the magnitude of our universe and of its Creator. The result is that a difficult message—the immense size and scale of the universe—is made simple!

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Todd Friel delivers this presentation on discerning God's will. Who should you marry? Easy. Where should you go to college? Piece of cake. What type of house should I live in? No problem. Once you understand God's providential will, you will never be in the dark again. This is a great practical help and stress reliever for the many people out there who are perplexed by the decisions they make with regard to God's will.

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Big science has expelled smart new ideas from the classroom ... What they forgot is that every generation has its Rebel! That rebel, Ben Stein (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) travels the world on his quest, and learns an awe-inspiring truth … that educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied tenure and even fired – for the crime of merely believing that there might be evidence of design in nature, and that perhaps life is not just the result of accidental, random chance. Though not a Christian film, this movie is worth watching for its beautiful mockery of the religion otherwise known as darwinian evolution.

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This is the second offering from the award winning Kendrick brothers (Alex and Stephen) who have a very successful movie making culture happening at Sherwood Baptist church in Georgia. Unlike many other faith based projects, the kendrick brothers write scripts that are not cliched or predictable, but are creative and compelling. This movie is an action-packed, family-friendly drama about a high school football coach who draws up a new game plan for his team and himself. In his six years of coaching, Grant Taylor has never had a winning season. Even the hope of a new season is squelched when the best player on his Shiloh Eagles decides to transfer schools. After losing their first three games of the season, the coach discovers a group of fathers are plotting to have him fired. However, an unexpected challenge helps him find a purpose bigger than just victories. Daring to trust God to do the impossible, Coach Taylor and the Eagles discover how faith plays out on the field and off.

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Fireproof is the third feature film from Sherwood Pictures, the creators of Facing The Giants and Flywheel. Starring Kirk Cameron, of "Growing Pains" and "Left Behind" fame, this is the gripping story of a firefighter who saves lives but cannot save his marriage. Caleb's fight to save his marriage is overarched with the greater story of Christ's love for His Church. This movie is refreshingly clear in explaining the Gospel, is not soft on sin, and wonderfully demonstrates the fruit of true conversion without denying our continual struggles with sin. Perhaps my favorite movie ever - this movie has been instrumental in seeing people come to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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Flywheel is the first movie produced by Sherwood Pictures, the moviemaking ministry of a Georgia church that went on to produce Facing the Giants in 2006 and Fireproof in 2008. Flywheel was made on a low budget ($20,000) but has an excellent script. The Kendrick brothers know how to write a good story and this movie is never weighed down by cliches or predictability. Instead you will find unexpected twists and heart warming stories as well as some hysterical fictional used car adverstisements. The story centres on used car dealer Jay Austin who makes a living doing shady deals and ripping people off. This conduct also spills over into his marriage and family. But as Jay works on restoring a classic convertible, he begins to see that God is working on restoring him as well when Jay starts to get a strong whiff of his own depravity.

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Prepare for a thrilling journey through the greatest triumphs over the most brutal terrors that have faced Western Civilization. This series is a solid foundation for any study of the history of Europe or America. It brings to life, through Marshall’s dynamic storytelling, the victory of good over evil through the ages. Participants in this course develop an unshakable biblical and historical confidence to restore our nation to “One nation under God.” This captivating 12-part video series documents what historical revisionists have been trying to hide: that God rules in the affairs of men. Join Dr. Marshall Foster for a whirlwind tour through history - from the ancient world right up to modern days and beyond. Learn the whole story of important historical events as well as discovering some little known side streets. Viewers will gain a new appreciation for the divine providence of our sovereign God as Dr. Foster points out the divine mile markers along the way. God hasn't appointed His people to failure, but to victory! Fantastic for family, church, group and individual study.

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Exploring the Wonders of Creation, Conscience, and the Glory of God! God’s wonders surround us. And these marvels reveal much about our Creator. Through creation we glimpse His power and wisdom, His majesty and care. Creation is speaking to those who will listen. Join in a remarkable journey of discovery and explore the Creator’s handiwork and what His creation reveals about His character. Survey the unimaginable size of the universe and ponder the vast energy present in all matter. Examine the elegant water molecule essential to all life and discover how God combines these molecules to form beautiful and symmetrical snow crystals. Learn about the incredible complexity of DNA and the miraculous workings of the tiny seed. From the design functionality of birds to the incredible transformation of butterflies, these and many other features of creation are highlighted in this visually stunning presentation. "Declare His glory…His wonders among all peoples.” Psalm 96:3

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A true story, God's Outlaw is about international politics, church intrigue, cold-blooded betrayal, and false justice ending in a criminal's death. But it's also about victorious faith and spiritual triumph over some of the greatest political and religious forces known in the 16th century. A simple God-seeking man, William Tyndale somehow became one of the most wanted men in England and all of Europe. Pursued by King Henry VIII, Lord Chancellor Sir Thomas More, and the Pope's personal legate Cardinal Wolsey, he darted across Europe to avoid capture - always pushing to complete the task that obsessed him. The task was translating the Bible into English and publishing it for his fellow countrymen - Englishmen who lived in a country where the Bible and even prayers in English were outlawed by a harsh and rigid religious establihsment. Today he is renowned as "the father of the English Bible," and is recognized as one of the major leaders of the English Reformation. But the tale of how he lived and died as "God's outlaw" is a compelling "rest-of-the-story," and is especially a moving encouragement for modern people of faith.

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Ask most Christians what they know about hermeneutics and they will probably ask, "Herman Who?" Spend 75 minutes with Todd Friel and you will receive a condensed 16-week master's level education on how to read and interpret the Bible right. You will never read the Bible the same way again... and you will never have the wool pulled over your eyes by a false teacher. This is an excellent product for the average church goer to help test the teaching that they are exposed to. You will be hard pressed to find a similar product that addresses this vital issue in an age of low biblical literacy, and little spiritual discernment.

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What the Reformers Would Say to Us Today. Bad News: Missiles are being launched at Christianity. Good News: Our Christian ancestors have already faced the same assaults. Though they are dead, yet the Reformers speak. And they have a lot to say to us. Let Todd Friel take you on a six country European tour that will introduce you to the great reformers who are your Christian ancestors. These men and women were too good for this world. And yet, they were strangled, quartered and even burned to death so that we could have the truth. In light of our historical ignorance, the importance to keep the Gospel pure, and the debt of gratitude we owe to the reformers, this DVD is a must see.

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Pilgrim’s Progress: Journey to Heaven is a modern adaptation of John Bunyan’s beloved classic. It is the #1 Christian fantasy of all time! The novel has been heralded as a literary masterpiece around the world, as it has been published in over 100 languages and is the most read book other than the Bible. Amazing visual effects, beautiful locations and a wonderful cast bring to life the story that has inspired each generation for hundreds of years. Follow Christian and his companions on a great Journey from the City of Destruction to the gates of Heaven as they face obstacles large and small, man-made and demon-spawned. Beyond the gripping drama, Bunyan’s powerful allegory teaches us all the hazards and hopes of the Christian life, and it features the triumphant glory that awaits all who faithfully follow the King of kings!

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Shepherding a Child's Heart is about how to speak to the heart of your child. The things your child does and says flow from the heart. Luke 6:45 puts it this way, "...out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Intended for parents with children of any age, this insightful series provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life. This 4-disk series, containing 15 half-hour presentations, walks you through the content of Shepherding a Child's Heart. This lecture series is designed for use by study groups.

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Who do you know who isn't saved? Have you been looking for a product that you could give to that person, but you just have not found the right one? The Big Question could be just what you need. The Big Question is a DVD that carefully and non-aggressively walks through a very clear Law and Gospel presentation. Todd Friel hosts it and it features Kirk Cameron, Voddie Bauchum, John Piper, and Ray Comfort. The quality is killer and the content is perfect.

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The inside story of one human soul…wrestling with the ultimate decision. A dilemma is posed and a battle ensues. One-by-one the power brokers of the soul – Mind, Memory, Emotion, Heart, Will, and Conscience – step forward to weigh in. The stakes couldn’t be higher. The outcome has consequences for eternity… This short film is a study of the fallen sinner from a unique angle. It is an excellent, thought provoking attempt, at presenting the Gospel and the battle that plays out in the inner sanctum of the human spirit. The film could be stronger perhaps if the doctrine of God's sovereignty was better integrated, but this is still an excellent film to show Christians and non-Christians alike.

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This is the video of a debate on the existence of God between Todd Friel and Dan Barker who is an avowed atheist and president of the "Freedom From Religion Foundation". This is my favorite debate video for three reasons. Firstly because Todd presents the Christian Gospel clearly and faithfully. Secondly because this debate features simple yet compelling arguments for the truth of a Creator and the foolishness of denying this. And thirdly because Todd uses humor to great effect and it is actually enjoyable to watch. This DVD is both educational and a lot of fun to view.

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This television program is probably the biggest breath of fresh air in Christian media. The term "reality TV" has become a big joke in modern times but Way of the Master is really reality TV. You get to see hosts Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron as they really are in real life taking the great commission seriously and literally - by actually sharing the Gospel with anyone and everyone. If it moves then they will evangelize it - either by one on one conversations or open air preaching. But, more importantly, this is a program that can teach anyone how to share the Gospel with a stranger, friend, or family member. And it is done biblically, effectively, compellingly, and faithfully to the glorious Christian Gospel. Watch this show - it's Christianity with legs on it!

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Join Todd Friel, host of Wretched TV and Radio, as he mixes it up with Kirk Cameron, David Wheaton, Peter Hammond, Scott Klusendorf and the most pathetic guest ever. Kirk Cameron: How much sin can a Christian commit and still be a Christian? Who causes "bad" things to happen? David Wheaton: Are you a possessor or a professor?
Peter Hammond: The real histoy of the Crusades and other true stories that will make you gasp. Scott Klusendorf: How to win the pro-life argument every time. Bonus Features: How to conduct your own witnessing interview with a complete stranger or loved one. Nothing dull on this DVD.
O no Cam - Expelled...no no no. While Stein might be selling a message you want to believe, he's guilty of sloppy poor low grade journalism. You are much better than his movie...
O man - and AiG - my faith in your selection of DVDs that are: are useful evangelistically, spiritually beneficial, enjoyable, historically truthful, and theologically informative...is shaken.
Particularly the historically truthful.
Graeme, Answers in Genesis is an organization comprised of a wide variety of credentialed scientists in a broad range of fields. As a regular reader of their material it is always sober and careful examination of the facts without hyperbole or sensationalism. They even take care to refute creationist arguments that are unscientific or unbiblical. I have seen many of their people in debates and they always show themselves to be people who come to the table with objective evidence against the rhetoric of their atheistic/evolutionary opponents. Empirical science must be testable, repeatable, measurable, and observable - evolution is none of those things. It is another religion and one that takes an enormous amount of faith to believe in view of the severe lack of evidence. Have you ever heard of "the found link"? Of course not - it's still missing. Zero transitional forms in the fossil record. I was taught evolution as a fact in school - it is an outrageous scandal!
As for Ben Stein, I cannot vouch for his journalistic methods. But I love his movie because it is a beautiful assault on the modern hoax of evolution. A theory that has no tolerance for any theory that contains a Creator. I have experienced losing a job for my biblical worldview. I know of outstanding scientists who cannot get papers published because they deny evolution. When Stein asserts that there is a concerted push in the academic world to blacklist creationists (or anyone who denies or even questions evolution) he is right on! Furthermore, Expelled showcases evolutionists shameful failure to come up with substantiated factual arguments in their opposition of creationists. They just rain down a continual tirade of ridicule - so much for empirical science.
Forgetting evolution, have a look at AiG's views on cosmology one day.
BTW, this is a bit of hyperbole or sensationalism :-) "A theory that has no tolerance for any theory that contains a Creator".
Don't forget what Christianity is about - and here is a clue, it isn't called "Creationism" for a reason :-)
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