Loraine Boettner (1901-1990) was a Reformed Theologian who attended Princeton Theological Seminary before it went very liberal. He studied Systematic Theology there under Dr. Casper W. Hodge and received his Th.B. (1928) and Th.M. (1929). He taught Bible for eight years in Pikeville College, Kentucky. In 1933 he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Tarkio College, and in 1957 the degree of Doctor of Literature. He was a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. For the remaining 32 years of his life, he generously sold his books at cost to any who wrote to ask for them. In doing so, Boettner made good conservative theology readily available at a time when such material was often difficult to come by. Through his writings, he served to popularize the Reformed faith and influenced literally tens of thousands of men and women around the world.
Loraine Boettner
Category: Theology
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The work of Christ in reconciling God and men we call the Atonement; and this doctrine, we believe, lies at the very heart of the Christian system. In the nature of the case we are altogether dependent on Scripture for our knowledge concerning this doctrine and can know only what God has seen fit to reveal concerning it. Human philosophy and speculation can contribute practically nothing toward its solution, and should be held in abeyance. This book was written to give a short systematized account of what the Scriptures teach concerning it, and to show that this fits in perfectly with the longings and aspirations of an enlightened spiritual nature.
Loraine Boettner
Category: Theology
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This book explains clearly that God is 100% sovereign and accomplishes what He purposed before the world was made. People will allow God to be sovereign in everything but the affairs of man, especially in salvation. This book refutes point by point the arguments against the absolute sovereignty of God. Any Christian should be required to read this book before entering into debate concerning God's dealings with sinful mankind. Boettner sets out explaining the doctrine and then in section III he takes on the obvious objections to the doctrine.
Loraine Boettner
Category: Theology
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This is a succinct book which covers the basic tenets of the Reformed Christian Faith. The opening section affirms the sovereignty of God. The following sections cover the doctrine of total depravity and man's totally helpless condition as a sinner and his need for redemption in Christ Jesus. The subsequent sections address issues relating to soteriology (that is the doctrine of salvation) and it offers responses to passages of Scripture that supposedly give creedence to universal atonement and implications that man initiates his own salvation. The final section compares and contrasts the Reformed Faith with that of the Arminian creed.
Do we really need another podcast?
14 hours ago
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This guy wrote some great short books on reformed theology.
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