One of the great priveledges of my life is knowing Paul Washer. I would struggle to think of anyone I have met who cares more about glorifying God, seeing sinners saved, and being faithful to the Gospel than Paul Washer.
"Newtaste" has been firing off some criticisms on my blog recently and some of it has been specifically aimed at Paul Washer. In view of this criticism and other similar recent accusations I thought it might be profitable to respond to this and other recent accusations brought against brother Washer. Many modern preachers seem to be persuaded that "thou shalt not criticize" is the eleventh commandment and also a good way to immunize oneself against biblical scrutiny. But the truth is that no man should be above biblical critique. However, when the charges levelled are just plain false or reflect a failure to understand good theology then it should be swiftly responded to. Today I want to address the two major complaints levelled against Paul Washer by his critics (there are also others in the "reformed camp" who are also subject to these charges).
False Accusation 1 - Paul Washer teaches that Christians have to stop sinning to be saved.
I would suggest you listen carefully again to his teaching on the atonement, conversion, regeneration, and sanctification. Washer does not, and has never taught that you have to stop sinning to be a Christian. He teaches what the Bible and the Reformers taught - that conversion is supernatural and produces a change in us. Genuine conversion causes us to hate the sin we once loved. It doesn't mean that you stop sinning, but it does mean that you no longer live in wilful habitual sin as taught in 1 John.
Here is an excerpt from Paul Washer's sermon "Ten Indictments Against The Modern Church" preached in 2008:
The doctrine of the carnal Christian has destroyed more lives and sent more people to hell.
Do Christians struggle with sin? Yes. Can a Christian fall into sin? Absolutely. Can a Christian live in a continuous state of carnality all the days of his life not bearing fruit and truly be Christian? Absolutely not or every promise in the Old Testament regarding the New Testament covenant has failed and everything God said about discipline in Hebrews is a lie.
A tree is known by its fruit.
Apples don't make a tree an apple tree. The apples merely reveal the true nature of the tree. Repentance is a fruit of conversion and often reveals that it is genuine. It is not that you have to stop sinning. It is that when God saves you, you turn away from the sin you once loved.
False Accusation 2 - Paul Washer does not teach salvation by faith alone because he insists upon repentance as well.
Jesus death for sins was an act of salvation. To receive God's gracious gift Scripture explicitly teaches that:
Truly, then, God overlooking the times of ignorance, now He strictly commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day in which He is going to judge the world in righteousness by a Man whom He appointed, having given proof to all by raising Him from the dead (Acts 17:30-31).
Repentance is necessary in order to receive salvation - therefore it is a necessary component of the Gospel we proclaim. This repentance from sin and turning away from it is also a turning to Christ in saving faith in order to receive salvation:
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).
And that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem (Luke 24:47).
And how I kept back nothing that was profitable, but have shown you and have taught you publicly, and from house to house, testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:20-21).
Some people claim that "faith alone" in Ephesians 2:8 negates the need to repent. But we must remember this hermeneutical rule: Scripture cannot contradict itself - therefore in understanding it rightly, it must harmonize with the rest of Scripture. As we harmonize all of Scripture we can clearly see that sometimes only faith or belief is mentioned, sometimes only repentance is mentioned, and sometimes both are mentioned (see the verses quoted in this post).
By harmonizing all of these (rather than focussing on a single verse) we can see that the salvation call is a call to turn away from sin in repentance and a turning to Christ in faith – trusting Him alone to save us. The turning to Christ (faith) necessitates a turning away from our carnal affections (repentance). Man cannot serve two masters. As Todd Friel says; "Repentance and faith are two wings of the same bird that fly us to the Savior".
This salvation is ultimately a work of God. Both repentance (Acts 11:18) and faith (Ephesians 2:8) are works of God. We cannot come to God unless the Spirit draws us (John 6:44). We are not saved by praying a prayer or walking down to the front of a church. It is God who saves. It is God who gives us a love for His law and a desire to live in holiness. It does not mean we stop sinning but it does mean we have a new relationship with sin manifest in a love for God's law and a desire to obey it:
I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules (Ezekiel 36:25-27).
Paul Washer clears up any confusion his critics may have with regard to his views on repentance and faith in this interview:
Paul Washer is only a fallible man who will be the first to admit that he does get things wrong. But as a friend of his, I have personally talked to him at length on the two subjects discussed in this post and can certainly say that the criticism has no warrant on these subjects. His presentation of the Gospel is biblical and faithful. I thank God for the faithful Gospel preaching of Paul Washer.
Thank you for posting this. My Mother recently bought Paul Washer's studies, and she gave me one, titled "The Truth About Man". I am looking forward to reading through it. Thanks for posting.
I thank God too:)
Brother Paul is like the Epistle of James. Both REALLY need to be understood in context... Paul Washer does not teach anything doctrinally I will disagree with. However, his applications can be very problematic if taken the wrong way. I am very worried about many who misapply Paul's teachings and have become pious and self-righteous but I don't believe our dear brother is to blame. I will merely caution lover's of Paul Washer to be aware that Brother Paul's message can be very one sided not because of any fault of his own, but the problem he is addressing. When you are dealing with the kind of antinomian, seeker friendly, easy believer-ism that is rampant in His circles (and ours) you will sound like the Apostle James when he says: "faith without works is dead". But to turn that verse into works-righteousness is to miss Apostle James and most importantly the Gospel. I believe this is also the case with brother Paul, if you treat his teachings as if it is the final authority on the Scriptures, I believe he will be horrified if that’s the case, and to base your life solely on his teachings you will become legalistic and completely unbalanced. Any good preacher will tell you, don't simply believe in what he is saying, but measure everything against the Scriptures.
Hey Cam, I belong to the Reformed camp…. hopefully that’s okay with you. :D
I am very sympathetic towards Paul Washer to say the very least, while I don’t agree with him 100%, I think it is a stretch to accuse him of the kind of extreme position people say he takes. His stance on personal holiness is hard for some of us to swallow sometimes but that may speak more about our sanctification than Paul’s. Good job!
Paul Washer says ... Stop Worshiping Paul Washer.
Washer says about depression - A man who is depressed should be rebuked, rather than pitied.
I agree with him that people should not be pitied, but there needs to be compassion, help and understanding. To just rebuke someone who has depression seems harsh.
It is good Washer is able to cope with his depression.
Thank you for taking this opportunity to write this defence of brother Washer. While looking up sermons from Him on youtube I have come across those who misunderstand or take short sentences he said and totally bash him. We are to contend for the faith, but they show poor discernment and theology the way they attact him.
Thanks again
In Christ, by Grace
My husband & I are so thankful for Paul Washer. We praise God for Paul sharing the Lord's word with us. We have several of Paul's sermons on our ipod's and we are grateful for them. We love to read & study God's word. We have alot of bible teachings on our ipods and we just really appreciate the gift God has given Paul. I know He does not want to glorify himself, he only wants to glorify the Lord, as he should. Have some of Paul's sermons convicted me...yes.. and I thank God for that, because obviously it was an area in my life that needed the light shone on it. Thank you for posting this message about Paul. It is sad to me, when I go to look up more sermons from Paul that I come across the opinions on him that I do. He is a man of God. I understand what he is preaching. He is preaching from God's word and his heart. We are thankful for a brother like him.
This Washer is certainly all-washed out. This what happens, as in his case, when a person does not take the Sermon on the Mount as a whole which begins with the Beatitudes in which Jesus shows us that the Beatitudes are a step by step progression in the Christian Life. Because of the bad translation of the Beatitudes, a lot of people are confused about what they are all about. For instance, "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted". In Greek it reads, "Blessed are those who are sorry for their sin, for they shall receive the Comforter" (Holy Spirit) and referring to the necessity of repentance. It is not about people who have lost a family member or friend and are grieving their loss. It is about receiving the Person of the Holy Spirit. To use the excuse of other people's sin to justify and continue in your own sin is to give yourself the invitation to have one's "name removed from the book of life" (Rev. 3: 8). Washer obviously does not read the Scriptures in Greek or he would not appear to be so ignorant. When Paul is writing to the Corinthian Church, he is not condemning the whole membership or church, if you want to call it that. He points out that there are two kinds or groups of people who are causing the problems and sinning. He mentions the two groups in 1 Cor. 14: 23 which are "unbelievers" (Gk. apistoi) and the second are what may be called "ungifted people" or "unlearned or uninstructed people(Gk. idiotes). A friend of mine, who is now the president of the an Assemblies of God College wrote an article about this problem. The whole church was not participating in the sins which these two groups were responsible for. My summation of his well written article was, "We should never let the idiots be in charge of worship." Today, we can see that the problem in many of the ministries today is that we have people masquerading as believers or pretending to be believers and attempting to justify their sin by misquoting Scripture while ignoring the Scripture that condemns them. As Jesus said, "I tell you, on the day of judgment men will render account for every careless word they utter for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned" (Matt. 12: 36 - 37). Walker, like too many of the media ministries think that they are "entitled" to sin and are beyond criticism. They condemn themselves and they seem to get away with it because too many people "know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God" (Matt. 22: 29).
Yours in Jesus Christ, Gordon
This Washer is certainly all-washed out. This what happens, as in his case, when a person does not take the Sermon on the Mount as a whole which begins with the Beatitudes in which Jesus shows us that the Beatitudes are a step by step progression in the Christian Life. Because of the bad translation of the Beatitudes, a lot of people are confused about what they are all about. For instance, "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted". In Greek it reads, "Blessed are those who are sorry for their sin, for they shall receive the Comforter" (Holy Spirit) and referring to the necessity of repentance. It is not about people who have lost a family member or friend and are grieving their loss. It is about receiving the Person of the Holy Spirit. To use the excuse of other people's sin to justify and continue in your own sin is to give yourself the invitation to have one's "name removed from the book of life" (Rev. 3: 8). Washer obviously does not read the Scriptures in Greek or he would not appear to be so ignorant. When Paul is writing to the Corinthian Church, he is not condemning the whole membership or church, if you want to call it that. He points out that there are two kinds or groups of people who are causing the problems and sinning. He mentions the two groups in 1 Cor. 14: 23 which are "unbelievers" (Gk. apistoi) and the second are what may be called "ungifted people" or "unlearned or uninstructed people(Gk. idiotes).
I just stumbled upon this blog just now and I totally agree with what you've posted. People accuse Paul Washer of lordship salvation like they do John MacArthur.
It seems to me that people, even Christians, really do not want to be confronted with messages that convict them of sin, so whenever someone preaches sin, repentance & obedience, they go and attack them.
Paul Washer speaks only the truth and not some 'Lordship Salvation' garbage people decry. When he said that salvation is preceded and followed by repentance, he spoke the truth. SALVATION IS DEPENDENT UPON REPENTANCE. When the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and leads us to salvation, we must repent PRIOR TO salvation.
You CANNOT be saved prior to repentance. Think about it. Repentance means to change one's mind about what they are doing. If you have been living in sin and are convicted by the Holy Spirit to become a Christian, THEN you have CHANGED your mind about living in sin and want God to save you. You decided not to live in sin any longer but to become a child of God. THUS REPENTANCE PRECEDES SALVATION! You didn't save yourself only God can and did, but you have to change your mind about being a sinner in order to become saved. Otherwise you are not saved but choosing to continue living in sin.
That IS NOT to say that people will not sin after being saved. In fact they will because we all sin. If we say we have no sin, they we lie and deceive ourselves.
On the other hand, there must be repentance after salvation; otherwise people would take advantage of grace as a license to sin. Paul and Peter both teach that grace IS NOT a license to sin. WE WILL SIN but occasionally NOT habitually! Those who continue to live in sin after salvation might need to question their salvation as to whether they are saved at all!
Peter said those that have tasted of the Lord's goodness and revert back to a life of sin would have been better off not to have been saved at all! Thus, we can debunk the 'once saved always saved' doctrine right there and then! Yes, salvation is the gift of God and not a work of man to prevent anyone from boasting about earning their way to eternal life.
You are saved by grace through faith, the gift of God. But I offer this thought to you. If I give you a gift that you accept, what can I or anyone else do to prevent you from giving away or trashing that gift? NOTHING! What can God do to stop people from rejecting or trashing His love gift after they have accepted it? NOTHING!
Where a person spends eternity lies in both God's and that person's hands. God offers them the choice of life or death. They either accept it or reject it. The choice is theirs and theirs alone. God being omniscient (all-knowing) knows who will ultimately accept his gift and those who reject it and those who accept it and later reject it!
If you think that people CANNOT REJECT salvation after being saved, then why does the Bible teach us about those who stray away from the faith, those whose love grows cold and walk away from the faith, why did Jesus' large group of disciples follow him to a point and then reject him and walk away no longer able to believe in him followed by his asking of the 12 of whether they were offended and wanted to leave to?
The Bible is full of passages about people who come to the faith and leave it. You CANNOT come to the faith without first being saved, which required repentance--a changing of the mind about one's life. Some people repent of their sins after salvation because of their love for God and want to maintain a right heart with him. Others repent after salvation to turn away from the faith.
Salvation is preceded and followed by repentance no matter how you slice it.
Chew on it. Digest it. Enjoy it. It is the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH. Jesus said many would depart in the last days. If the truth hurts, I can't help you taking offense. Jesus offended many with the truth because of the hardness of their hearts not because he was an offensive person in character.
I love Paul Washers's preaching. I personally am blessed by his sermons numerous times and they have helped me to understand so much about the word of God.
But as brother Paul himself said, he is only a man, I think that sometimes brother Paul can make his point too exclusive and absolute. It would be unbalanced if we take it all in as the exclusive truth and interpretation.
But overall, I am thankful for what God have done in him that I have benefited much from his passionate preaching.
Wallylion, you're WAY offbase.
You said, "In Greek it reads, "Blessed are those who are sorry for their sin, for they shall receive the Comforter" (Holy Spirit) and referring to the necessity of repentance."
That is so way off. I don't know what greek text you're looking at but I'm looking at my greek bible right now and it says.
"μακάριοι οἱ πενθοῦντες ὅτι αὐτοὶ παρακληθήσονται"
This text is very straightforward.
"Blessed are those who 'pentheō". This word means, 'to mourn'.
Then "for they shall be parakaleō" This word means to encourage, strengthen, to COMFORT.
So before you start pointed fingers at Paul Washer about his poor translating of bible verse make sure that you know what you're talking about.
You're simply arrogant. I hope that the Holy Spirit will show you that.
There's only two ways, only two gates and there's only two places where we (people)are going to spend eternity. So there's also only two kinds of people, the ones that take the Word of God as it is written no matter how much it breaks your way of thinking and how hard it is going to change your concepts and mind, and there's another kind, the ones who insist in being the ONES who know what God REALLY meant to say in he Bible, and twist the Word to make it fit into their own human understanding. I do know that Paul Washer is a prophet of God and that he is not the only one, we are hundreds around the world, and God will judge this generation through the preaching of HIS word as it has been written.
I'm very pleased to see that there are people defending this man who only wants to SAVE those who think just because they have given their lives to Christ that they can continue to sin and not be condemned. The bible does NOT preach that, worldly Christians and false prophets do. Teachers and pastors and prophets or evangelists who do not target the "Repent before salvation" need to go back into studying the word thoroughly. I'm learning to be more open to holy criticism because NONE of us are perfect. Don't get me wrong, the bible clearly states it IS possible to be perfect in Christ, to live like Jesus Christ did and do things GREATER than what he's done...and the bible says that the books of the world would not be able to hold all the great things he's done in his lifetime. He healed the sick, revived the dead, re-constructed the impaired, healed the wounded, and rebuked demons and SO much more. If Jesus Christ says that it IS possible to live as he has lived, and do GREATER than the things he's done, why do people preach otherwise? Why is it so impossible to live Holy? America is deceived and we need people to snap America out of the deluded state it's in. People who sin and are proud of it call themselves Christians and if that's the case, there's something SERIOUSLY wrong with the gospel being preached. The gospel preaches about rebuking, reforming, and living Holy....I don't know where this doctrine of Inclusionism came from, but there is NOTHING wrong with telling someone what they're doing is wrong OUT OF LOVE and if you're led by the Holy Spirit to do so. To truly have an encounter with Christ MAKES you want to live Holy, to seek his face, and to do the Father's will. We're all open to rebuke as long as it's according to scripture because it will only help us fix the things that are wrong in our lives. I really don't understand where all of these other preachings came from because the Holy Bible I've read preaches against everything that Paul Washer's critics are saying. The man isn't perfect and he clearly admits it, and God shows us that everyday...but we can be if we truly trust him in EVERYTHING we do. The reason Jesus Christ was perfect was because he was blind but could see, and was deaf but could hear. He didn't listen to false doctrines and pay attention to sin, he only did the will of the Father. Maybe it's time we put down the t.v. remote, stop going on FaceBook, texting about the new pair of shoes that came out, gossiping about Jimmy's Girlfriend, and get back to how the gospel says we are to live.
Become a true son of God and DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER! NOT OUR WILL BE DONE, BUT OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S! Stop trying to "HELP" God and JUST LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAYS TO DO! Doesn't the scriptures teach about what happens when you TRY to help God?!? Go read the story on Abraham and Sarah's handmaid again! This is where Muslim's and Jew's originated from! The fact that Sarah tried to "Help" God instead of being patient is the reason why Muslim's exist today. Let's go back to how it used to be done, put down Satan's devices of distraction, and LIVE HOLY! If the bible speaks about Satan being BETTER than every one of us in EVERY way, do we not need God to show us what to do? Was not Satan smart enough to convince 1/3 of heaven to fall? IF he can do all of this, what makes you think he cannot fool you? If open rebuke will show me that I'm in league with Satan in ANY part of my life, I'm open for the truth as long as it's according to scripture and done out of love, not animosity...but even then, if it's according to scripture, I will listen. Stop rebuking men of God, and show them where they're wrong so that they can correct themselves. Stop gossiping, and speak to them face to face in the areas they are wrong in. Build each other up, and stop tearing each other down! The mere fact that sinners call themselves Christians because they go to church and the fact that sinners who don't want to give up their lifestyle are in the quire, this shows that there is something seriously wrong with the culture. Be open to rebuke, and fix the errors in your life. Stay in line because the bible preaches about open rebuke being greater than secret love. Proverbs 27:5 Open rebuke is better than secret love.
Pro 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
It's time for the church to wake up! God is constantly warning his people and repeatedly telling us that the church is asleep! WAKE UP!! DON'T LET JESUS COME AND CATCH YOU ASLEEP ON HIS RETURN! BE AWAKE AND DILIGENT, FEROCIOUSLY SEEKING HIS FACE AND DOING THE FATHER'S WILL!
Even though I tend to babble on (learning to stop lol), I only want to help you because I don't want ANYONE to go to hell....no one should go there! The Father wants nobody to go to hell! So accept him, because he loves YOU and wants YOU! Satan keeps you bound in sin, but the Father gives you free will to accept him or not. That's why I choose to do my Father's will because of his grace and immeasurable love for me. How about you?
God bless you all
Have a question. Does Washer teach the correct to 1)Know Him and does he teach the correct why to 2)love Him? I, too am an preacher/evangelist. I am often in wondermint how the evil one really sends such stron delusion, that many believe they know Him and love Him, yet they don't in truth. How do we know/love Him? would it be safe to say we should look to scripture to find that answer? Ofcourse. Ok, let's do that. Keep in mind, these are NOT my words they are the Lord's words. How we KNOW Him--- "For this is how we know we know Him, if we keep His Commandments, those who say ' I know Him' and do not keep His Commandments, are a liar and thye truth is not in them."(1John 2:3-4)
This is HOW we love Him-- "If you LOVE Me , keep my Commandments." (John 14:15)
Now, can we know/love Him by continually breaking His Commandments willfully?
The word "Commandments" here in the Greek is Entole. This is the exact word that describes the Decaloque (10 Commandments) Our Lord has never spoken ONE WORD about ANY Commandment being don away with. (Matt. 5:19) confirms this.
Have a question. Does Washer teach the correct to 1)Know Him and does he teach the correct why to 2)love Him? I, too am an preacher/evangelist. I am often in wondermint how the evil one really sends such stron delusion, that many believe they know Him and love Him, yet they don't in truth. How do we know/love Him? would it be safe to say we should look to scripture to find that answer? Ofcourse. Ok, let's do that. Keep in mind, these are NOT my words they are the Lord's words. How we KNOW Him--- "For this is how we know we know Him, if we keep His Commandments, those who say ' I know Him' and do not keep His Commandments, are a liar and thye truth is not in them."(1John 2:3-4)
This is HOW we love Him-- "If you LOVE Me , keep my Commandments." (John 14:15)
Now, can we know/love Him by continually breaking His Commandments willfully?
The word "Commandments" here in the Greek is Entole. This is the exact word that describes the Decaloque (10 Commandments) Our Lord has never spoken ONE WORD about ANY Commandment being don away with. (Matt. 5:19) confirms this.
Love Brother Paul! Being an itinerant preacher and being video taped, much of the hyper-discerners take him out of context. They don't take account of his audience of mostly nominal Christians.
I had a friend who was offended by Paul Washer's preaching and she sent his videos to her family to get them on her side. In spite of her efforts, they all got saved.
God bless!
It amazes me (I come from europe), how American Christians have gone astray. They love wolves in sheep's clothing, but hate sheep in wolf's clothing (such as Paul washer)
This man has been a great blessing to my Christian life. I have been a Christian for more than 20 years. I've had ups and downs, but I know and feel inside myself that I am God's child. The Holy Spirit beareth witness with my spirit that I am a child of God. Sometimes I need the Lord to rekindle in me a love and passion for Him. Indeed He does it over and over again by His word and His servants. Servants such as Paul Washer, God bless him
John 12:26
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
Anonymous, I would only add that Europe is far far worse than America. For all its apostasy, America still has many great preachers, great churches, and vibrant Christians who are contending for the Gospel. Millions of them. Europe, on the other hand, has virtually no real men left. Having lived there for 5 years I can say that I have never experienced so much darkness, apathy, betrayal of the gospel, cowardice, and almost complete absence of any Christian witness anywhere. America is like paradise compared to that.
I totally agree with you, cameron buettel.
First of all I posted my comment in the wrong discussion forum. It was meant to be posted in an other forum, regarding Paul Washer.
Pardon me, it was not meant to be judgmental. It was more a reflection on what has happened in recent years. I love Americans and their many good preachers (in fact, it is almost exclusively American preachers/authors I read and listen to).
If you take people generally, everyone knows (even Europeans themselves) that Europe is in decay. They know it and even and brag about it. But that is not a threat to Christianity. It is much more dangerous when you have churches filled with people who think they are Christian (saved), when they are not.
I have lived in Denmark for over 10yeras and agree with you, I have never experienced so much darkness.
No apology needed anonymous. I just feel responsible to continually remind my European brethren that things are far worse than they think in order that they would take more action. Kind of like a fish having no idea that it is wet. If you are living in Denmark please tell me who you are. Also, are you aware of the two churches we have planted - Kristuskirken and Nordkirken? Are you aware of our annual Reformation Resurrection conference? This year we have Voddie Baucham as our keynote speaker. These are all in Denmark. P{lease check out the following links:
Paul Washer places a lot of emphasis on holy living in stark contrast to the antinomian (lawless) approach many are engaged in when discussing Christian living in grace.
The only danger I see in taking Paul Washer's messages to the extreme is that one could be led to believe in Wesleyan perfectionism, which is also wrong. Lawlessness and legalism should have no place in a sanctified life under the grace of God. Romans 7 should give us great insight in avoiding both extremes as shown in Paul's life.
Paul Washer's view of the true Church as being this flock of sheep surrounded by goats and pastors that often do the bidding of the goats to the detriment (many times) of the bride of Christ is spot on. There should be objective spiritual fruit upon conversion coupled with victory over sin as one walks with God. Simultaneously, there would be increased awareness of God's infinite holiness, Jesus' sufficient/necessary atonement on the Cross, and constant repentance. I have been blessed and sharpened by this man's testimony and teaching. I love how the Lord calls flawed men (like him but even more so, me), and makes much of Himself through them to demonstrate His glory.
I want to thank Paul Washer's view, his testimony and faithfulness in his sharing of the word of God. After seeing just a few video's, I have been able to grow closer to God because I was finally given the tools I needed to truly understand what was required on my behalf. I started to doubt and question my salvation intensely a few months ago because I was one of the many who 'prayed that prayer' and left the church and never went back. My experience was the alter call and a 5 minute prayer and then leaving the building, not understanding what just happened OR what I needed to do to continue what I thought I had accepted. No one had spent hardly any time with me explaining what it was the I had accepted or 'agreed' to. I was even baptized a couple months later, hoping after being baptized I would finally feel different. I didn't.
I even remember doing that prayer over and over and over again, in public and in private and still not being changed and wondering to myself if I would have to continue saying the prayer daily to assure myself that I was saved.
I wondered constantly what I was doing wrong and how to 'get God to love me' but did not seek out anyone to ask what I was 'doing wrong'. Then miraculously God graciously put someone directly in my life to help me grow a little more and after 2 years I started to see that more was required and I do not mean 'works.'
I am by NO means saying I WAS saved or AM saved by my works that is FALSE, it is a gift of salvation, not something I earned, BUT my problem was that I NEVER repented of my sins. I just expected Jesus to forgive my sins because that's what the bible says but I didn't expect ANY effort on my part. I thought that I could go to church when I felt like it, witness when I felt like it, read the bible when I felt like it, serve when I felt like it. As you can clearly see in my writing this, not a SINGLE part of me was changed because I did not read my bible, I did not seek God, I did not try to have a relationship with Him, I didn't know how and I can tell you truthfully that I wanted HIM to do ALL the work, continue to live the life I was living and continue to sin because Jesus would forgive me and eventually I would to go to heaven. TRAGIC THINKING that I had and so many people still have.
I counted myself as saved because I had said that prayer and I can tell you I meant it 100% at that time I prayed it BUT I had NO FRUIT whatsoever. I was still running from God and not even realizing I was doing so. After careful examination of my heart and actions, I have repented (the best I can at this time in my life with the understanding God has given me) and I have no doubt, as Paul Washer has said many times, I will continue to repent and to see changes in my life, in my deeds, thoughts, words; because I have finally repented and believe if I stop repenting or think I have nothing to repent of, there is a BIG problem that needs to be addressed ASAP.
Now being a new believer, part of me had expected "instant maturity" (again with the no effort on my part) when I truly became saved but I realize now that it is not a super fast process for me but one where I need to allow God to do the work He started in me, nothing I can do on my own and I know He will complete it, which will take my WHOLE life. I know I will struggle and I hope I will continue to seek God daily. Nevertheless, I now know (after 25 years of trying to figure it out on my own) by His grace I am saved but from that action if I truly accepted His gift - then the consequences of that is REPENTANCE and continued growth, not the same old person with the same life. You just CAN'T have it that way in my experience.
If you life hasn't changed; if your heart and mind haven't changed, I would start to examine yourself because I have learned I can't call myself an apple tree if I produce lemons.
Thank you for letting me post, I hope it helps others who are in the dark as I was for so long.
I have only ever heard Paul Washer preach the Law, and works. These criticisms aren't some big mystery. Does Washer have anything else to say? Some people listen to him religiously (pardon the pun). If he has something else to say he should say it a lot more often. There's more than just easy believism in America. If someone listens to Washer and doesn't move on from there they may be in a bad way. His message is by no means bad in itself. I don't think he's preaching another gospel. But my impression is that he is under-preaching the gospel, and the danger of that is in turning people into pharisaical fruit-inspectors, or worse, genuine Christians whose assurance of salvation has been chipped away.
I once heard Washer say (I think it was in his 'shocking youth message' sermon) that if a person is uncertain of their salvation, they should pray, and cry out to the Lord until he gives them some inward assurance. I think this is absolutely terrible advice. Faith should be outward-looking, not inward-looking. He should advise them to go to word and sacrament, or word and 'ordinance', since Washer is a Baptist. The point is, turn them to the promises of God, not to their feelings. Maybe that's too Lutheran, eh?
Also, that advice about examining yourself? It can be overplayed. We don't know ourselves perfectly. Some people are more scrupulous than others, and this kind of message, if it's not tempered, will drive them into pointless torment.
I wish Washer the best and I don't think he's a false teacher but I think he could use some tempering.
I am thankful for Paul Washer. I have been struggling for a few years
getting rid of a sin. But since I sympathy my flesh I often fail and caught by the sin again. When I listen to his sermon, God told me what I have been doing is "crossifying God's son again"(hebrew6:6). I finally realize how serious my sin is and give it up. At least sinners like me need to hear sermons like Paul Washer's.
Thank you Paul!
To the man or woman who hears God telling them that they have been "crucifying God's Son again" (Hebrews 6:6), for falling again into sin, please know that Hebrews 6:6 is not talking about your committing sins which Christ already paid for with his blood, rather the verse deals with adding your own fleshy (dead) works to God's grace after receiving the knowledge of the truth. See Hebrews 6:1,6; 10:28.
Christ came to save sinners, not the righteous. Why do you think Christ told Peter he would need to forgive his BRETHREN 7 x 70 times? You crucify the Son afresh when you rely on him alone for your salvation (ok he was crucified for my sins I'm resting in Him alone) and then you don't (ok I don't think his crucifiction covers this sin. I have to cover it with my own efforts and righteousness), and then you rely on him yet again (ok, he was crucified for me I am resting in Him alone again). This is how you crucify God's Son afresh, not by sinning; if Christ paid for all your sins once forever on that cross,(Hebrews 7:27; 9:28; 10:12), how then could your sinning possibly crucify him afresh?
The same idea of willfully sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth is also expressed in Hebrews 10:26-29 and it also means not believing that Christ paid it all but that we must add our own works to cover our sins. In the end, there is only one sin that leads to death and that sin is the sin of unbelief. See Hebrews 3:18-19; 10:38.
As for Paul Washer, I like his preaching because as Christians we need to be convicted of the exceeding sinfulness of our sin. Nevertheless, it should be clear to all Christians that Christ was crucified for us precisely because WE CANNOT stop sinning, not because with a little help from the Holy Spirit we can stop sinning. What does the Apostle Paul say about himself? He says he IS the chief of sinners, not that he WAS the chief of sinners!!! (That is a terribly telling statement, both as to the fact that perhaps the most pious Christian who ever walked the earth was being led captive by sin nearly decades after his conversion, but also because of how acutely aware he was of the exceeding sinfulness of his own sins). Truly, which one of us is without sin? See Ecclesiastes 7:20; 1 John 1:8-9. This whole business of "a born again Christian not being able to "habitually practice sin or go on sinning" would be laughable if it weren't so utterly tragic. Who knows a Christian who doesn't sin on a daily basis? If your answer is no one,(which it must be), are we not all habitually sinning then?
This comment is a continuation of an earlier comment to the man or woman who believed he was crucifying the Son of God afresh by sinning.
First off, I have a hard time believing the posts on this page which actually suggest that we are the ones repenting and believing, or worse yet, that actually suggest that one can lose their salvation by committing sins. PLEASE WAKE UP! There is none good but God! See Luke 18:19. He keeps his promises and you and I don't. The only reason John says a Christian does not sin, (he doesn't say practice sinning which is what I always hear preached), is because we are not sinning the sin unto death (unbelief). See 1 John 3:8-9. He says this because Christ is in the Christian believing for him or her!!! See 1 John 3:9; Hebrews 12:2. I live yet not I...hello!
If you are becoming less of a sinner day by day bully for you, but I certainly pray (and know) that is God's work and not yours. See Lamentations 3:37; John 17:17; 1 Thess. 5:23. Of course, were it any other way you could boast, couldn't you? But since we know our boasting is excluded, there simply is no other way, so again it's Christ in you the hope of glory!!! See Romans 3:27; 1 Corinthians 1:29; Ephesians 2:8-9. News flash, you can't lose your salvation precisely (and thankfully) because it is God that saves, not YOU. See Isaiah 43:11;45:21.
In sum, if, as a Christian, you finally come to the realization that you are nothing more than a vile worm with less than nothing to offer God save the sacrifice of your trembling lips and the temple he gave you, and are but wholly dependent on his loving grace and mercy at every moment to be stirred up in your spirit to perform the good works he has ordained for you, then you have the witness within you and will walk in truth. See 1 John 5:10. By the way, if you have trouble with besetting sins, humble yourself before God by setting aside time to do what is needful: meekly hear Him (read his Word), and vigorously pray unto Him for his grace. He will surely give it to you. For blessed are the poor in spirit and God is good. Shalom.
Shouldn't a truly saved "born again (of the spirit)" as Jesus states in John Chapter 3 once they have been saved naturally (though not always) have a new heart-new nature and therefore be led by God to 1) Not be a slave to sinful habits (though I know for some God may take a while to truly deliver from such sins, however ~if~ they are truly saved they'll naturally be pulled in the direction which God wants for their life). I personally believe that we can never do anything for our own salvation other than to cry out to God in mercy as "the worst of sinners" and though we should be fearful of what God would do to us without His provision of Jesus, when our fears are relieved by the knowledge that the Holy Spirit gives of Jesus death and Resurrection for Us! It should naturally change us.
We are so sinful that we cannot hope to "repent" in the sense that many here and even Pastor Washer and others believe (though I know he does have some good teaching) I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater..
God must DO all the work in our lives both the redeem us, and keep us, and even to guide our life so that we live in a way pleasing to Him. Grace is a powerful thing, and I will not go against it (who want's their old pre-Christian burden back)??
In Christ,
Jeremy S.
Need one too.
I thank God for servants of God such as brother Paul who do not seek self satisfaction, fame, or glory for himself, but rather, he seeks to glorify God by teaching the very same gospel that our Lord Jesus Christ taught. Some people; however, don't like to hear the truth because their hearts are so filled with pride that there's absolutely no room for correction and discipline! Paul's only interest is to preach the word of God and to help us turn to God the way it has meant to be from the very beginning: the way our Lord Jesus preached it! I don't see anything wrong with someone telling me that I'm going the wrong way! That I'm walking towards a broken bridge and that if I continue I will loose my life! Why should I be angry at them?, on the contrary, I will thank them for warning me and showing me the way to salvation! Wake up people! Lets open our eyes and our hearts and start searching the word of God, but not for arguing, but rather for the sake of growing in the Lord so that we may become good servants of God our Lord. Let us be chastised in the name of God!
I commend my brother Paul for standing up for the truth even when it means that many will rise against him, but that's okay too because if they rose against our Lord Jesus Christ, they will rise against anyone who preaches the same gospel the way he taught it!
Keep up the good work that God has commended you brother Paul for even as the apostle Paul said it, Gal 1:10 - For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? or am I striving to please men? if I were still pleasing men, I should not be a servant of Christ.
God bless you all who are truly seeking God and to have an intimate relationship with him. If you truly want to walk with him, and be with him for eternity, then seek him, and you will find him! Matt. 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: And my friends, when we ask such things, God will give them to us. That's for sure! Keep in mind, however, that the gate is narrow! You either follow God or you don't! There's no in-between!
Absolutely! I read a few excerpts from the people who very obviously took a few minutes of an hour long video completely out of context.
I have recently discovered Paul's videos, and I'm so glad I have! His teaching is truly God inspired, but I guess I can see that because I am truly born again. It's very obvious that those that are bashing Him are not. I pray that they watch his videos from beginning to end and listen to the meaning behind his words so that their eyes might be opened and God's will be done.
God bless
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