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Here is the audio from the Creation and the Gospel conference held at the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum. This contains wonderful apologetics for those difficult questions evolutionists and atheists like to ask. All given by eminent scientists who believe in creation.

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Chances are you spend about 30 minutes driving to work every morning. Here is a great way to use that time. Drive By Theology contains 48 sixteen minute systematic theology lectures by Todd Friel and Pastor R.W. Glenn that will provide a rock solid theological foundation. It will also give you a greater appreciation for the soundness of Scripture.

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Why are so many unbelievers turning away from the message of the Gospel? This may well be the most important sermon you hear. Ray Comfort boldly breaks away from modern tradition and calls for a return to biblical evangelism. Also contains the crucial message "True and False Conversion".

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Presented by Todd Friel, this CD contains the information you need to never fall into the temptation of pornography again. There are two principles that every man needs to hear to slay the dragon of pornography. What have you got to lose? Except your job. Your marriage. Your children. Your soul.

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Todd Friel teaches the Biblical principles for sharing your faith and being in control of every witness encounter. If you are a Christian, you know someone who is not save. Please, overcome your fears for their sake. Let this Mp3 CD help you.
Includes step by step study manual and Mp3 CD with 26 varying witnessing encounters.
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