Ray Comfort
Category: Evangelism
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Why do 9 out of 10 children raised in Christian homes leave the Church? Why do many professing Christians show little or no evidence for their faith? Why do 80-90% of those making decisions for Christ fall away from the faith? For decades, the world's most popular gospel message has been drawing the lost by promising God's wonderful plan for their life. But behind the facade of the "wonderful plan" message is the reality of the trials, temptation, and persecution that Jesus promised. How can we reconcile the two? In this life-changing book, best-selling author Ray Comfort explores whether this common gospel approach aligns with real life - and with Scripture. The vital biblical principles he reveals will force you to reexamine your ideas about the gospel - and will teach you how to reach unbelievers the way God intended. A must-read for all who care about the lost.
Mark Cahill
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Are you ready for eternity? If so, are you helping others get ready for that journey into eternity that each of us must take? As believers, we all know we should tell others about the Lord, but we often don’t know how. This practical book will give you ideas for starting conversations, examples of witnessing situations, and answers to common questions, to help encourage, challenge, and equip you to reach both friends and strangers for Jesus the rest of your life! Mark Cahill in real life is just like the stories he tells in this book - full of fervency and passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and full of desperation to see sinners come to a saving knowledge of the wonderful Savior.
Ray Comfort
Category: Biography, Evangelism
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Most of us have our own “comfort zone”- the place where we feel safe and satisfied. However, circumstances often drive us out from that area in which we feel most comfortable. Such was the case when Ray Comfort found himself being taken 7,000 miles from his home in New Zealand, to speak to the daunting residents of the most dangerous part of Los Angeles, California. MacArthur Park was infamous for being the home of murderers, drug addicts, thieves, pimps, prostitutes, and unfortunately, the destitute and the homeless. At times, this fast-moving and true-life drama will make your hair stand on end as you enter the dark side of the supernatural. It will also encourage you and lift your faith as you learn how a celebrated Hollywood actor teamed up with Ray Comfort to bring an amazing message to America.
Mark Spence (Editor)
Category: Evangelism
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In this 768-page comprehensive study course, you will learn how to share your faith simply, effectively, and biblically . . . the way Jesus did. Discover the God-given evangelistic tools that will enable you to confidently talk about the Savior. With 101 lessons on subjects ranging from basic Christian doctrines to knowing our enemy, from false conversions to proving the deity of Jesus, you will be well-equipped to answer questions as you witness to anyone. This study course will help you to prove the authenticity of the Bible, provide ample evidence for creation, refute the claims of evolution, understand the beliefs of those in cults and other religions, and know how to reach both friends and strangers with the gospel. As the printed version of the popular online School of Biblical Evangelism, this book provides all the lesson text at your fingertips, as well as room for you to record your answers to the study questions. This makes it a convenient format for easy reference as you put its lessons into practice.
Jonathan Edwards
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Though first, delivered 250 years ago, Edwards's most memorable sermon is no less needed today. Far more than a depicition of the punishments of hell, it is a call to personal salvation through Christ and spiritual revival in our time. Heaven or Hell?Christ has thrown the door of mercy wide open, and He stands crying out to all to accept His call. Jonathan Edwards presents a clear picture of the predicament of every sinner and lukewarm Christian. Through his words, you can discover much about what it means to follow God. He shows how you can know you have God's favor, avoid the tricks of the Devil, understand more about what sin really is, avoid the destruction that awaits sinners, realize the need for immediate action, be an intercessor, and find your reward in heaven. With compelling words and imagery, Edwards describes the shaky position of those who do not follow Christ and God's urgent call to receive His love and forgiveness today.
Tony Miano
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Written by a street cop, this unique publication compares the various pieces of law enforcement equipment to the spiritual armor that the Bible describes in Ephesians chapter 6. Real-life law enforcement stories drive home the importance of each piece of equipment. Although much has been written about this well-known passage of Scripture, little has been written from the perspective of a Christian who wears and uses the physical armor of the police officer every day, fighting both the physical battle against crime in our society and the spiritual battle against evil that all individuals are called to fight. You don't have to be a cop or a Christian to be encouraged and challenged by this book. In addition to building your faith, this book will serve as a helpful introduction to the men and women who protect you and your community.
Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort
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This book contains the teaching that changed my life and transformed my evangelism. The Way of the Master gives light to an almost forgotten biblical key that has the power to unlock the door of the human heart, This is the proven and effective way of making the gospel make sense to the unsaved. It is so rooted in the Scriptures, once you see it, you will forever wonder how you could have missed it. It is the biblical principle of bypassing the intellect (the place of argument) and speaking directly to the conscience (the place of the knowledge of right and wrong)-the way Jesus did. The Way of the Master will put a great tool into your hand and will teach you how to share the message of the gospel simply, biblically, and without fear - the way Jesus did! You will become equipped to confidently lead anyone - friend, family member, coworker, neighbor, or stranger on the street - to a clear understanding of repentance and what it means to be a true and active follower of Jesus Christ.
Ray Comfort
Category: Apologetics, Evangelism
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In our pluralistic society, few people have to travel to a foreign mission field to find those of other faiths. Our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces are filled with people of different religions — and no religion — who need to hear about the Savior. Yet most Christians feel ill-equipped to speak to them. Ray Comfort gives you all the information you need to reach people in false religious systems effectively (including conversion testimonies and witnessing encounters). This concise guide not only clearly explains the difference between Christianity and the other major religions, but will arm you with all the ammunition you need to go out into the battle with confidence.
Ray Comfort
Category: Evangelism
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Rather than wonder “What would Jesus do?” we should look to the Scripture to see: What Did Jesus Do? Why did He use a radically different approach than that of the modern Church when it came to reaching the lost? Paul imitated Jesus, working for “the profit of many, that they may be saved.” Then he admonished, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). James obeyed that command. So did Stephen, Peter, John, and Jude. So did Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Martin Luther, D.L. Moody, and many others through the ages. This book serves as an abbreviated form of Ray Comfort's foundational teaching as found in "Way of the Master" with a strong emphasis on the correct usage of law and grace when presenting the Gospel.
Do we really need another podcast?
18 hours ago
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These books will straighten out and invigorate your evangelistic labor.
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