Russel D Moore
Category: Parenting
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Book reviewer extraordinaire Tim Challies pronounced this his book of the year for 2009. And with good reason. Russel D Moore has adopted children and has many helpful practical insights for those considering. But this book is so much more than that. This is a book that also transcends the subject of human adoption and soars in the clouds of the mystery of "as many as belived in Him, to them He gave the power to become the sons of God". Adoption ultimately points to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how we too can become "sons of Abraham" through the redemptive work of the Savior. This book will teach many practical helpful things about adoption, but it is ultimately all about the Gospel and how all these things point us to the cross. This book is not only for those considering adopting children, it is a book everyone should read.
Voddie Baucham
Category: Marriage, Parenting
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More teens are turning away from the faith than ever before: it is estimated that 75 to 88% of Christian teens walk away from Christianity by the end of their freshman year of college. Something must be done. Family Driven Faith equips Christian parents with the tools they need to raise children biblically in a post-Christian, anti-family society. Voddie Baucham, who with his wife has overcome a multi-generational legacy of broken and dysfunctional homes, shows that God has not left us alone in raising godly children. He has given us timeless precepts and principles for multi-generational faithfulness, especially in Deuteronomy 6. God's simple command to Moses to teach the Word diligently to the children of Israel serves as the foundation of Family Driven Faith.
Ray Comfort
Category: Parenting
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Eighty-eight percent of children raised in evangelical homes leave church at the age of eighteen never to return. As a parent, you don’t want to suffer the heartache of your children rebelling against their Christian upbringing. While only God can save us and keep us, there are biblical principles you can implement to help prevent your children from tragically falling away from the faith. By countering the unscriptural belief that a child can be saved merely by “asking Jesus into his heart,” seasoned evangelist Ray Comfort shares time-tested principles to help you guide your children to experience genuine salvation and avoid the pitfall of rebellion.
Peter Hammond
Category: Parenting
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The family is the basic building block of society. The battle for the family is in the very frontline of the World War of Worldviews. This powerful new resource for families is packed with positive and practical insights and strategies that fathers and mothers can use to raise God-fearing children. Reforming Our Families is a compendium including contributions from 8 different authors from a wide variety of backgrounds. Contributors include two young home schooled teenagers, one from America and the other from Africa; and parents from both sides of the Atlantic. The primary author is Lenora Hammond (wife of Peter Hammond) who is a home schooling mother of two daughters and two sons coupled with a wealth of missionary and ministry experience.
John Macarthur
Category: Parenting
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Every parent who has lost a child has dealt with disturbing, haunting questions. Why my child? Where is my baby now? Will I ever see my child again? Renowned Bible expositor John MacArthur tackles the question of infant death (in the womb or following birth) in his trademark style--with detailed attention to Scriptures that hold the answers. No death occurs apart from the purposes of God, MacArthur assures readers, just as no life occurs apart from the purposes of God. With a pastor's heart, he leads readers to an understanding of the eternal destination of these precious little ones. His conclusion: Babies - and anyone else who has not reached the condition of accountability - go to heaven when they die, and there will, indeed, be a time of blessed reunion with these souls. This is a beautiful and comforting apologetic on the eternal destiny of souls with an all too brief sojourn on this planet.
Tedd Tripp
Category: Parenting
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Shepherding a Child's Heart is about how to speak to the heart of your child. The things your child does and says flow from the heart. Luke 6:45 puts it this way: "...out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Dr. Tedd Tripp not only draws on his thirty years experience as a pastor, counselor, school administrator, and father, but he also shares insights gained in many years of teaching this material in conferences worldwide, providing more valuable help for parents. This book is outstanding and rare because it is Gospel centered, adresses the biblical truth of our children's fallen sinful nature, and how their awareness of that truth is to lead them to the Savior.
Lou Priolo
Category: Parenting
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This is an outstanding Gospel centered and Bible based parenting manual. John Macarthur had this to say about Teach Them Diligently: "There is far more to teaching your children the Bible than merely telling them Bible stories. Unfortunately, many parents feel ill-equipped for the task, so they neglect this vital aspect of Christian parenting. In doing so, they forfeit many of the greatest blessings of parenthood. Here's a valuable aid for parents seeking help. Lou Priolo's Teach Them Diligently: How to use the Scriptures in Child Training holds a wealth of practical and biblical advice for parents seeking to fulfill the mandate of Deuteronomy 6:6-7."
John Macarthur
Category: Marriage, Parenting
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With traditional family values in decline and under assault, how can parents convey Godly principles and morals amid competing messages? In The Fulfilled Family, John MacArthur, respected Bible teacher as well as experienced father and grandfather, takes a look at strategy for families as outlined in Ephesians 5 and 6. What is MacArthur's secret to his successful family? "There's no magic. There's no formula. There's no gimmick," he says. "It's not about how many times we did something, or who was in charge of this or that, or what kind of processes or methods we used. It comes down to questions that have to start in my heart: Am I committed to obedience to the Spirit of God? Am I committed to the controlling influences of the Word of God? Am I going to live out a Christian life? Because you must first answer yes to all of those questions before you have a successful family."
Paul Tripp
Category: Church, Marriage, Parenting
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Getting to the heart of your communication struggles. A biblical look at our words and our God. Few of us really think about the power, the blessing, the gift, the effect, and the dangers of our words." "Filled with searching, realistic & honest illustrations coupled with large doses of biblical truth. One thing we do daily is talk. Communication is the lifeblood of a good relationship and the deadly weapon of a bad one. If you've ever said anything you've regretted - this book is for you. Few of us really think about the power, the blessing, the gift, the effect, and the dangers of our words. War of Words is filled with searching, realistic and honest illustrations coupled with large doses of biblical truth. Learn about your words and your God. Obtain biblical insight and tools for change as you get to the heart of your communication struggles.
John Macarthur
Category: Parenting
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More than ever, Christians need to know what the Bible actually teaches about parenting, and put it into practice. In What the Bible Says About Parenting, pastor/teacher John MacArthure presents time-proven principles of biblical parenting clearly and carefully to help parents make sense of their duties before God and to bring up their children in the ways of the Lord. In addition to this new trade paper edition (previously titled Successful Christian Parenting), there is also a resource kit and two workbooks available to help Christian parents instruct their children in a godly manner.
Do we really need another podcast?
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