Rev. Peter Hammond is the Founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship, the Founder and Chairman of Africa Christian Action, the Director of the Christian Action Network and the Chairman of The Reformation Society. He is the authored more than a dozen books and has co-authored many others. He is the Editor of both Frontline Fellowship News and Christian Action. For over 26 years, Peter has been dedicated to assisting persecuted Christians and to working for Reformation and revival in Africa. Peter has developed the Biblical Worldview Seminar and Great Commission Course to mobilise Churches to comprehensively apply the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life and to fulfill the Great Commission. Peter was born in Cape Town (in 1960) and brought up in Bulawayo (in what was then war torn Rhodesia - now Zimbabwe). He was converted to Christ in 1977, worked in Scripture Union and Hospital Christian Fellowship, served in the South African Defence Force and studied at Baptist Theological College, Cape Town. He also earned a Doctorate in Missiology and has an honourary Doctorate of Divinity.
Peter Hammond
Category: Persecution
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Africa's Forgotten War - The longest war of the twentieth century in the largest country in Africa, Sudan. Since 1955 the Muslim Arab North has been attacking the Christian Black South. Faith Under Fire In Sudan is the book that lifted the virtual news blackout on the colossal conflict and exposed the scorched earth tactics, systematic terror bombing of civilian targets and the resurgence of the slave trade in Sudan. This book includes firsthand accounts of the horrific atrocities and the inspiring stories of Christian faith under fire. Dr. Peter Hammond also explores the vast history of Muslim atrocities and persecution of Christians in Sudan that goes all the way back to the seventh century.
Peter Hammond
Category: Parenting
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The family is the basic building block of society. The battle for the family is in the very frontline of the World War of Worldviews. This powerful new resource for families is packed with positive and practical insights and strategies that fathers and mothers can use to raise God-fearing children. Reforming Our Families is a compendium including contributions from 8 different authors from a wide variety of backgrounds. Contributors include two young home schooled teenagers, one from America and the other from Africa; and parents from both sides of the Atlantic. The primary author is Lenora Hammond (wife of Peter Hammond) who is a home schooling mother of two daughters and two sons coupled with a wealth of missionary and ministry experience.
Peter Hammond
Category: Persecution
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Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam - The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat is a fascinating, well illustrated and thoroughly documented response to the relentless anti-Christian propaganda that has been generated by Muslim and Marxist groups as well as Hollywood film makers. As Karl Marx declared: “The first battlefield is the re-writing of History!” Dr. Hammond's book sets the record straight with chapters on “Muhammad, the Caliphas and Jihad”, “The Oppression of Women in Islam”, “The Sources of Islam” and “The Scourge of Slavery the Rest of the Story”. With over 200 pictures and 15 maps and charts, this book is richly illustrated. It consists of 16 chapters and 13 very helpful appendixes including demographic maps of the spread of Islam, a Glossary of Islamic Terms, a comparison of Muslim nations' military spending vs. their national prosperity, a chart on how Jihad works depending on the percentage of Muslims in the population and guidelines for Muslim evangelism.
Peter Hammond
Category: Heroes, Puritans, And Reformers
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The Greatest Century of Reformation gives the broad sweep of the unforgetable characters and momentous events that made the 16th Century the greatest century of Reformation. Dr. Peter Hammond aims to inspire, inform and involve the readers in a hunger for Revival and Reformation in our own day. The book begins with a fast moving overview of the dramatic events and geo-strategic conflicts involved in the 16th Century, then it takes a good look at the pre-Reformers, the Waldensians, Wycliffe and Hus. There are chapters on each of the great Reformers Luther, Zwingli, Tyndale, Farel, Calvin, Cranmer, Viret, Bullinger, Melanchthon and Bucer. There are also chapters on the politicians behind the English Reformation, the martyers of the Reformation, how the Reformation changed the church, how the Reformation changed the world, and Luther's Practical Programme to Revive Your Prayer Life.
Peter Hammond
Category: Prayer
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“Are you on fire for Christ? …. Lukewarm Christians make the Lord sick. We need to repent of half-hearted, worldly, superficial… easy believism. We need doctrinal steel in our backbones and Holy Fire in our bellies. ‘Is not My Word like a fire?’ says the Lord, ‘and a hammer that breaks the rocks in pieces?’” (Jeremiah 23:29) What can we say to that, except: Thank you Lord, for reminding us! Peter Hammond has illustrated his book with pictures of the Reformers and written it in a simple, warm, and direct way which speaks to the heart. It will make a great difference in our personal, Church, and national prayer life. Also includes a fascinating study on the imprecatory Psalms/prayers given from Dr. Hammond's insightful African perspective.
Peter Hammond
Category: Apologetics
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This work by Dr. Peter Hammond is an invaluable resource for Discipleship and Reformation. Dr. Martin Luther declared: “the first duty of the Gospel preacher is to declare God’s Law and to show the nature of sin.” The Puritan author of Pilgrims Progress, John Bunyan, said: “A man who does not know the nature of the Law cannot know the nature of sin.” Charles Spurgeon declared: “They will never accept grace until they tremble before a just and Holy Law.” “Therefore the Law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith” (Galatians 3:24). The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty identifies the contemporary idols for destruction and clearly shows, step by step, how we can seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, applying the Lordship of Jesus Christ to all areas of life. “The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul” (Psalm 19:7).
The Greatest Beauty I’ve Ever Seen
2 hours ago
1 comment:
Dr. Hammond is one of my heroes. Check out his work in Sudan.
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