John Piper is the Pastor for Preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He studied at Wheaton College, where he first sensed God's call to enter the ministry. He went on to earn degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary (B.D.) and the University of Munich (D.theol.). For six years he taught Biblical Studies at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota, and in 1980 accepted the call to serve as pastor at Bethlehem. John is the author of more than 30 books and more than 25 years of his preaching and teaching is available free at
John Piper
Category: Church
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Pastor John Piper says, "We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of the pastoral ministry. . . professionalism has nothing to do with the essence and heart of the Christian ministry. The more professional we long to be, the more spiritual death we will leave in our wake. For there is no professional childlikeness, there is no professional tenderheartedness. There is no professional panting after God." This is a call to all in "full time ministry" to stop being pragmatists, philosophers, and professionals, and to speak forth as prophets of the most high God!
John Piper
Category: Theology
Click Here To OrderThe message of Desiring God is that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. In this book, Piper calls this worldview “Christian Hedonism” and explains why pursuing maximum joy is essential to glorifying God. He discusses the implications of this for conversion, worship, love, Scripture, prayer, money, marriage, missions, and suffering. Many of us have a strong aversion to the word "hedonism" because sinful men pursue their pleasure in gratifying their flesh. But the hedonism advocated by Piper in this book is something that fulfills the Westminster Catechism in glorifying God by enjoying Him forever. An awesome read, but must be read with a well grounded biblical worldview.
Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, John Macarthur, C J Mahaney, Al Mohler, John Piper, R C Sproul
Category: Church
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Proclaiming the gospel is without a doubt the most important task of pastoral ministry, yet often other, seemingly more urgent activities obscure it. From time to time all pastors and preachers need to be reminded of the primacy of the gospel. Preaching the Cross does just this. It is a call to expository, gospel-centered preaching as the center of pastoral ministry. This volume showcases an unprecedented combination of pastors representing a variety of evangelical traditions. Though they differ on some secondary points of church practice, they all enthusiastically celebrate the centrality of the cross of Christ — keeping the main thing the main thing. That message every reader can take away from this book and adopt in his pastoral ministry.
John Piper
Category: Theology
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One way to see the glory of God is to meditate on what makes him happy. In The Pleasures of God John Piper unfolds for us a vision of God through the lens of his happiness. What most delights the happiest Being in the universe? God's gladness in being God. If God's excellencies can be admired in his pleasures, and if we tend to become like what we admire and enjoy, then focusing on these pleasures can help us to be gradually conformed to his likeness. In other words, we will be most satisfied in God when we know why God is most satisfied in God.
Do we really need another podcast?
18 hours ago
1 comment:
John Piper has faithfully preached God's Word for over 30 years. A special treasure on his website is his downloadable exposition of Romans - all 320 sermons!
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