I am very proud to be a part of a ministry that is almost ready to launch. Any day now a new website WWW.BACKTOSCRIPTURE.COM and it's Danish counterpart WWW.TILBAGETILBIBELEN.DK will launch on the web. This is a ministry that is based in Denmark and is focussed on dealing with the most important issues facing Denmark/Europe as the heartland of the Reformation now crumbles in the ruins of centuries of secular humanist thinking.
Back to Scripture is about contending for the purity of the Christian Gospel, the return of preaching to the public place, and calling churches to orthodoxy by establishing a statement of basic Christian doctrine that allows for denominational distinctives.
500 years ago Europe saw a mighty move of God where heroic preachers risked their lives to defend essential Christian truths. None more so than how sinful men can be justified before a Holy God by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. These preachers waged war on the false gospel that prevailed in their day. Today, in the 21st century, the prevailing wind of "modern Christianity" is another false gospel, a gospel more concerned with enhancing lives than saving souls. It is time to contend/defend once again. This site is dedicated to the preachers and disciples of today who have not bowed their knees to the Baal's of self esteem, success, and sensuality, but whose concern is the Glory of God in saving damned souls. To those who are returning to the Gospel as preached in the Early Church, during the Reformation, and by the Revivalists. To those who are going back to the fundamental truths of the Christian faith, back to fervent preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, back to our perfect authority – BACK TO SCRIPTURE.
Back to Scripture is a movement where the purity of the Christian Gospel is the central focus of everything we labor in and contend for. Here you will find information concerning the big questions – life and death, heaven and hell, God and man. This site is also loaded with resources to help Christians share the Gospel with friends, neighbors, family, and strangers. The backbone of the site is our Doctrine Statement which we hold to as the essential truths of the historic Christian faith.
Back to Scripture is all about glorifying God by doing the main thing He told us to do – preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world. Our strategy for this is three fold:
1. Taking the message of Jesus Christ outside the four walls of church buildings by:
(a) Public distribution of free Gospel Tracts
(b) One to one witnessing of the Gospel
(c) Open air preaching in public places
(d) Training people for all of the above
2. Within the four walls of church buildings by:
(a) Calling all churches to orthodoxy using the Doctrines as a benchmark
(b) Gospel preaching at church meetings calling on people to examine themselves (2 Cor 13:5)
(c) Providing Way of the Master evangelism training courses
3. Cyberspace – this website through:
(a) Online Gospel presentations in written, audio, and video form
(b) Calling church leaders and members to officially support and comply with the Doctrines
(c) Providing information for people wanting to find a fellowship that holds to the Doctrines
1. A church – Back to Scripture is not a church but exists to support and encourage the wider church body across denominations in faithful preaching of the biblical Gospel. We desire to assist church members wherever they are to become more effective witnesses for Jesus Christ and thereby improve the health of their local fellowship.
2. A denomination – Back to Scripture does not exist to make Baptists more Pentecostal or Lutherans more Methodist. We do not want to intrude at all on the distinctive theologies of different movements. We gladly accept differences outside of the essential doctrines of how people can receive salvation. We desire unity on the message of the Gospel itself because nothing else is more important for all of mankind.
3. After your money – Back to Scripture is a non-profit organization that allows people to provide financial support should they desire this, but there is no emphasis or pressure on people to do so. God loves a cheerful giver and we don’t want to interfere with that. We also believe that our approach to spreading the Gospel is very inexpensive when compared with most modern large scale outreaches.
At Back to Scripture we care about where you will spend eternity and want to provide you with information and resources so that you will be without excuse on the day when your Creator judges you. So please
Don’t hesitate to e-mail us if you have any further questions (info@backtoscripture.com)
The team at Back to Scripture
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! (Rom 10:14-15)
Continued tomorrow - The Back to Scripture Doctrine Statement
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
15 hours ago
1 comment:
This site currently feeds into my own website www.onceuponacross.com
My website has the same doctrine statement.
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