Todd Friel of Wretched Radio toured Europe in 2007 visiting some major reformation landmarks while doing filming for the fourth season of The Way of the Master television series. While in London, he inadvertently bumped into leaders of Hillsong London who were also filming. Todd took the opportunity to grill them on their knowledge of the Christian Gospel. Check it out by clicking here
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Thank you so much for posting this audio Cameron! Maybe I missed it but I never heard the guys from Hillsong mention the words Repent or Sin. I couldn't believe my ears when he said that to become a Christian you need to "accept somebody loved you enough to step into this mess." How sad that thay reduced Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to "somebody". The man talking used the word "suppose" alot! He actually reminded me a lot of the way Joel Olsteen answers questions. Maybe they
could have Joel come speak at their conference. Thank you for all of this insight on Hillsong! It has been yet another reminder to me of our responsibility to compare everything we read,hear,and see against God's Word. God Bless!
If apostasy is being preached ,one wonders what other spiritual errors are occurring. my boss- a lapsed Christian-said she often watches Hillsong and wonders what Brian Houston is on about,and what is he preaching. Obviously a different GOSPEL.
Tell me Cameron are all AOG churches succumbing to this error that you are writing about
Matthias, I don't know. I believe the AOG, which is my background from when God saved me at 20 years of age, has been historically orthodox in confession and much of its preaching.
My suspicion is that a disdainful attitude to theological training through the decades has led to a generational decline in biblical literacy and paved the way for pragmatic ideas and perversion of the Gospel. "Thou shalt not criticize has become the eleventh commandment" (or is that the twelfth after tithing) which has served Houston well in terms of survival and influence. The AOG movement, which has a heritage of many faithful shepherds, now seems to be being overrun with CEOs.
The AOG may still contain faithful preachers who faithfully preach the Gospel, but it is difficult to find them and nigh on impossible to find one who will oppose the Hillsong/Houston juggernaut.
Brian Houston's motivational speaking has thrived in this climate and many "pastors" hang on his every word. T
I think David Wilkerson of Time's Square Church is a former AOG pastor, but I don't know if he is still with them.
Although I don't always agree with him I believe him to be a faithful man of God and have been very moved by a few of his sermons.
He may not have spoken out about Hillsong specifically but I can think of two sermons I've heard him preach which seriously touch upon some of the issues prevalent with Hillsong...
@ Sermonindex.net:
"A Call to Anguish"
"(Australia)Another Gospel"
(preached in Australia to an AOG church)
It's rare to see a Pentecostal speak up about the errors in the movement, most are "afraid to quench the Spirit", and I am thankful to see Mr. Wilkerson call out fallacy when he sees it.
Talking about the Hillsong/Houston juggernaut,a colleague of mine-a Baptist- use to work for the ACC formerly AOG and she once had to speak to Brian on the phone. He said to her ,because she had to keep him waiting " you know who i am don't you?" I would have answered " Like me a sinner saved from grace by Christ's Death on Calvary"
given the error you have picked up Judgement begins in the House of the Lord.
My pastor visited Hillsong London while in the UK helping plant a new church. He was very disappointed with the sermon he heard. The pastor (don't know who specifically) was teaching Nestorianism; that Jesus had two separate natures, human and divine.
Thanks for posting the sound file. It simply made my jaw drop....
What an eye (or ear?) opener. The guy from the Hillsongs church simply could not articulate the gospel. What exactly have they been teaching those 5,000 or so people every week?
I wonder what Todd Friel's reaction will be when he learns of Hillsong's plans to begin a New York franchise.
Thanks for keeping us informed.
did they delete the audio?
i wanna hear it
why are you so specifically stuck on this one church? I know there are plenty other heretical churches out there other than this organization. I see that they preach another gospel that is not a sound doctrine, but are they that special to you that they are always on your constant radar? I mean who really cares about them at all?
you can hear it here:
Houston, you have a problem. A really serious problem. But there if still time to repent.
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