Standing on the outside and looking in can be an aggravating experience for an outsider viewing the goings on in America by many professing Christians. I love the USA and make no secret of the fact that it is my favorite country in the world. It is the land that fuels world mission and the source of most biblically sound teaching. But among that there are things going on that I can no longer keep silent about. It's time to pick a fight.
There is a certain sacred cow pastor in southern California who I will be talking about in the coming days and perhaps weeks. I can't say his name but his initials are Rick Warren! There seems to be a lot of cyber bullying going on by certain defenders of Rick Warren that is inflicted on anyone who dares to question anything he says or does. In recent times a friend of mine had his website shut down after his ISP was pressured into deleting the website. I know of other preachers who have had doors shut on them after criticising Rick Warren's ministry. Richard Abanes who seems to be RW's top cyberspace attack dog seems to think that all criticism is purely on the basis of people not liking Rick Warren. The fact of the matter is Richard that there are many people critical of the Purpose Driven deception because it is built upon a false gospel. These are people who love the true Gospel and as such cannot stomach a man centred substitute.
There are other things that need to be talked about including the emergent crowd and "red letter christians" who have taken the apolitical moral high ground for so long in criticising the "religious right" for being too political. Well looky here, it's an election year and many of these politcally neutral crusaders are coming out in support of Barack Obama even though he supports the murder of unborn (even late term) babies. The stench you can smell is the rampant hypocrisy. It needs to be talked about and brought into the open. It seems that their problem with the "religious right" was not that they were political but that they don't like that brand of politics. Just like Jim Wallis' book called "God's Politics" which should have been called "Putting God's Name to my Own Left Wing Political Agenda".
I've held off for long enough. Stuff needs to be said because of the fall out that is happening. The Bottom Line's going to Defcon One and it could be a bumpy ride.
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Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
9 hours ago
What is going on with church leaders supporting Obama?
The one without sin, cast the first stone,said Jesus The Christ
The one without sin cast the first stone, said Jesus The Christ, The son of The living God...
The one without sin cast the first stone,says Jesus The Christ...
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