Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Way Of The Master Profiles - Brainiac

Ok ok, so this isn't a real picture of Brainiac - but it's what I imagined before I met him. Brainiac is the living breathing mass of theological knowledge that answers the really tough questions on "Wretched Radio" (formerly Way of the Master Radio) and "Wretched TV". As hard as it is to believe, situations actually occur on the program where the host, Todd Friel, doesn't know the answer. Brainiac is always there to save the day and teach us something about Church history, Reformed theology, conference happenings, or Mark Driscoll's latest escapade. He has to be at least half as smart as Ravi Zacharias (as impossible as that might sound).

When I first visited the Wretched studios I had my eyes peeled for Brainiac. I had heard so much wisdom and knowledge from his lips as I listened to countless podcasts in far away places. But here I was - finally - in the mothership. What would Brainiac look like. As I wandered through the studios and throngs of people I constantly scanned the area looking for someone with a massive head - I mean how else could a brain that size be accomodated? Eventually, Brainiac was introduced and to my amazement I met a man who was animated, friendly, funny, passionate for Christ, and had a normal sized head. Since I don't have a picture, here are a couple of short videos with Brainiac in action exposing the stupidity of many modern pro-abortion arguments. Brainiac plays the role of the conservative candidate seated on the left of Todd . . .

Brainiac is an integral part of the "Wretched" world and an excellent advocate of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has a powerful testimony and a strong witness. I count myself blessed to have him as a fellow laborer in the Gospel.

Brainiac Surprise
I was always told that it was wrong to pick a fight with a short guy who wears glasses. Brainiac is no exception to this rule but for a different reason. His brain is not the only muscle he knows how to flex. Here's the tip, If you ever go witnessing in a dark alley - do it with Brainiac.

Brainiac Glossary of Terms
"strict gun control" - keeping no more than 12 firearms in your house
"dress casually" - loosen your neck tie ever so slightly

Other Way Of The Master Profiles Can Be Read By Clicking On The Links Below:
Duane The Producer
Hip Hop
Kirk Cameron
Mark Spence
Ray Comfort
Todd Friel
Trish The Phone Fisher

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