Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Biblical Response To The "Homosexual / Gay Agenda"

I was asked to teach one session at the recent Reformation Resurrection conference in Denmark. I strongly sensed the need for a presentation that applies the biblical worldview to the many facets of the rampant homosexual agenda that is on the warpath everywhere we look. Based on what we see around us among churches that claim to represent Christ - this is a desperately needed presentation that addresses the many various issues raised by the gay propoganda/homosexual agenda that is running wild in every western country right now.

In this sermon I will address the need to:
1. Be Gospel centered in reaching out to the homosexual culture.
2. Remember the desperately sinful lives that we lived prior to conversion.
3. Rightly portray God's character in this debate.
4. Recognize the current forcefulness of the "gay agenda" as an outpouring of God's wrath, rather than a cause of God's wrath.
5. Learn from an honest assessment of history.
6. Respond biblically to all different sins rather than singling out this particular sin.
7. Recognize that false teachers who deny what the Bible says on this subject are the true enemy of the Christian.
8. Recognize that those trapped in this lifestyle of sin are not our enemies but are our mission field.
9. The need to practice church discipline in accordance with the clear biblical commands that are given.
10. To interpret the biblical texts faithfully to what God has clearly spoken.

Whether you are a Christian, a homosexual, or just plain confused on the whole subject; I ask that you would please take the time to watch this video and at least consider the points that are raised . . .

(the following sermon is in English with Danish translation)

If you would like a copy of all my notes that includes citation of sources, a bibliography of recommended books, and a comprehensive Scripture index on the subject of homosexuality; then please email me with this request at


  1. What are on about? Benny Hinn said in the late 1980s that God would destroy the homosexual community in the USA by 1994/95.

    There are still gays in the USA? Benny Hinn got a prophecy wrong?

    "7. Recognize that false teachers who deny what the Bible says on this subject are the true enemy of the Christian.
    8. Recognize that those trapped in this lifestyle of sin are not our enemies but are our mission field."

    So some (Christian) people you don't agree with are the scum of the Earth, your enemies. But other people (homosexuals) who are also scum are your friends, not your enemies. Unfathomable.

    Jesus said love one another as I have loved you. Not love some people and not others.

  2. Would you agree with Australian senator Cory Bernardi that gay marriage will lead to bestiality and polygamy?

  3. Newtaste, you make it difficult for me with your scattergun comments. Is the problem that you cannot understand what I am saying or that you don't like what I am saying?

    First, Benny Hinn is a false teacher who peddles the prosperity gospel and has been getting prophecies wrong ad infinitum. I would not even class him as a Christian because the Bible defines him as a wolf and false prophet.

    Secondly, the most loving thing I can do for a practicing homosexual is to preach the Gospel to him reminding him of Christ's gracious offer of forgiveness of sins. That is how we should treat our mission field. Loving the church means excommunicating false teachers to protect the sheep and keep the church pure. I don't know what confuses you about this.

    Thirdly, I have no idea who Cory Bernardi is nor can I forecast whether gay marriage will lead to beastiality and polygamy (although it does beg the question as to where and how we draw the line if we reject the Bible as the authority on this subject). What I do know about homosexuality is that God says it is wrong and that it is also a sign of His wrath (see Romans 1).

  4. To any closeted LGBT folks out there:

    There is nothing wrong with your sexuality, any shame you feel is just a cultural thing, you can let it go and be loved for who you are.
