Monday, April 16, 2012

Phil Johnson And John Macarthur Uncensored

It is now only three months until Phil Johnson will be in Denmark for Reformation Resurrection 2012. Those of you who want to come - be warned! The guys in Denmark tell me that the conference site is almost fully booked. So be very quick if you still want to come. All the details are here.

One of the highlights of the annual Shepherd's Conference at Grace Community Church (where John Macarthur pastors and I attend the Seminary) is when Dr. Macarthur does Q&A. It gives us an look inside the world of a man who has faithfully shepherded one flock for over 40 years and worked his way expositionally verses by verse through the entire New Testament. It is a special moment where we get some vulnerability, wisdom, off the cuff humor, sharp counsel, and no holds barred perspective on all the latest "church trends" and hot topics. What gave it some extra spice this year was having Phil Johnson conduct the interview and indulge in some extra provocation. This video is worth the watch, and gets better the longer it goes. Don't miss the finish!

General Session 5 - John MacArthur Q&A from Grace Community Church on Vimeo.

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