Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Chick Fil A Welcome To America

I have to admit there is something special about the fast food franchise known as "Chick Fil A". My more sophisticated, puritanical, or health conscious friends will all be rolling their eyes right now at the fact that I could have such affection for mass produced chicken burgers - but hey, how can you not love Chick Fil A, the ultimate fast food way, who always close on Sunday!

I have only recently arrived in the USA and am just settling into the city of Santa Clarita where most of the Master's Seminary students live (yes I am now enrolled in TMS and begin next week). Santa Clarita is a nice place and the part I live in is known by many as "seminary row". On our first day here I had the inspired idea to head down to the local Chick Fil A, enjoy a spicy chicken sandwich and embark on my cultural adaptation. Another thought I had in the back of my mind was that I might meet some local Christians and perhaps even a fellow TMS student as Chick Fil A is well known for its strong Christian stance and ownership.

No sooner had we walked through the doors of Chick Fil A Valencia (Santa Clarita) when we were greeted by super friendly staff who all were students at the nearby Master's College (also connected with Grace Community Church pastored by John Macarthur). The manager asked what I was in the US for and when I told him he informed me that his wife worked at TMS also. My Rob Bell video also got mentioned and when the manager found out that I had exposed Rob Bell as a false teacher he became very excited and proceeded to provide meals for my children free of charge! While I was pinching myself (to check this was not some fantasy dream sequence) two families of fellow TMS students entered the store. We then became "occupiers" in the back corner of the store where the staff kept refilling our drinks free of charge (a welcome change from Europe) while all the children "occupied" the playground, the ladies got to know each other, and the guys "chewed the theological fat" together. At this point I stopped pinching myself because it was now too surreal for reality! Especially when one of my professors and his family came over to greet us.

We had a great night and I didn't want to leave. The cultural elite can all mock away, but I don't care because I love Chick Fil A. I'll leave y'all with a momento of the grand occasion!


  1. I have to admit, that I'm jealous. After moving to Roswell, NM, two months ago, I realized how much I miss Chick fil -A! Especially the waffle fries... and sweet tea.

    I would like to think that we would get a franchise here soon, but alas, Roswell is three hours from anything... so we truly are in the middle of no where. :)

    And God's hand on you as press on through seminary.

  2. Chick-Fil-A : One of the great things here in the USA. They just put a new restaurant around the corner from our house, and I think we stop there at least once a week. Their food is delish! You have the added bonus of TMS brothers working there -- too cool. Welcome Cameron. Still praying for you and your family. :)

  3. I hope that God will call me on day to serve in a place where Chick-Fil-A is more prevalent. I love Chick-Fil-A, my favorite fast-food ever. I could overdose on Chick-Fil-A. Alas, the closest restaurant is an hour from where I live.
