Monday, September 5, 2011

The Vanishing Gospel Conference - Australia/New Zealand September 2011

One of the great priveleges of my recent trip to Australia was the invitation to fill the pulpit of Pastor Philip Powell on two occasions. Philip was a lone voice of discernment among the Pentecostal movement back in the 90's when I was attending an AOG church. His critiques proved to be a most valuable resource as I tried to sift through the mountain of bad theology I was experiencing. As someone who stood down as General Secretary of the AOG denomination in the early 90's over matters of honesty and Gospel truth, I have always had a lot of time for Philip's willingness to call a spade a spade when other men would prefer to hide in the shadows of self preserving silence. Philip's magazine Christian Witness Ministries has always been a rare Australian resource of honest journalism concerning much of what goes on in a mainstream Aussie Christianity dominated by the Hillsong machinations.

I am most thankful that my dear brother Philip recognizes the single greatest problem that the folk down under face with a looming election - the absence of true Gospel preaching from almost every pulpit in the land. He also recognizes the only solution - calling on all shepherds to abandon all the stupidity of seeker sensitive stunts, pop-psychology, moralistic therapy, and cowardly compromise and start preaching the pure Christian Gospel undefiled! This passion and vision has birthed a special conference - The Vanishing Gospel - which is a watchman's call to return to the once for all delivered faith and deliver it loudly and widely. I encourage my many Aussie friends to support this event which will will be happening in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide. There will also be numerous smaller meetings around New Zealand. Please go the the conference website for all details!


  1. What a great name for a conference. I wish I'd thought of it!

  2. wow, with other conference names such a: Unlimited Anointing, Open Heaven, Catch the Fire, I think Vanishing Gospel sounds a lot more in touch with the state of affairs over here in the US, too.

  3. Hi Cam,

    I had a look at the CWM conference website and noticed their venue is at a church which appears to be somewhat 'Charismatic' and they have ministry contacts with churches/groups which are also leaning this way. I'm curious if Philip Powell is still leaning towards Pentecostalism?

    I would not feel comfortable going to a conference where the church associated is in fellowship with Charismatics.

    I welcome your thoughts.


    Liz - Melbourne
