Saturday, September 17, 2011

Christian Decapitated In Somalia

After an extensive search, Christians in the Bakool region of southwestern Somalia discovered the decapitated body of kidnapped Christian Juma Naradin Kamil on Sept. 2, 2011. Kamil’s body reportedly bore the marks of an execution by the Muslim terrorist group al-Shabab.
“It is usual for al-Shabab to decapitate those they suspect to have embraced the Christian faith, or sympathizers of Western ideals,” a local Christian told Compass Direct News. “Our brother accepted the Christian faith three years ago and was determined in his faith in God. We greatly miss him.”

On August 21, three suspected al-Shabab terrorists forced Kamil into a car, according to local sources. Many local Christians believe the extremists had closely monitored Kamil before kidnapping and killing him.

Kamil’s body remained unburied for two days because local residents didn’t want al-Shabab to associate them with Christian converts, a local Christian told Compass Direct News. Someone secretly buried Kamil on September 4. With 3,000 to 7,000 members, al-Shabab seeks to impose a strict version of Sharia, Islamic law, throughout the Muslim world. They have vowed to eradicate Christianity from Somalia. Earlier this year, two Muslim extremists murdered a member of an underground Christian community in Somalia, and they also killed a mother of four children, 36-year-old Asha Mberwa, for her Christian faith.

Source: Compass Direct News

That was another dose of perspective for people who profess Christ and live in the western world. Please pray for our persecuted brethren!

1 comment:

  1. The moralistic therapeutic motivational speaking we see in many western "churches" just makes me sick when I consider the lives of Christians who live in the rest of the world.
