Wednesday, July 13, 2011

REFORMATION RESURRECTION 2011 UPDATE - Onsite Accommodation Fully Booked

Reformation Resurrection 2011 in Denmark is now almost upon us. A lot of people have been getting blown away by watching Voddie Baucham on YouTube or downloading his sermons from Sermon Audio so there is a real buzz among the brethren over here.

Accommodation on the conference site is now fully booked so the following pricing arrangements now apply for those who still wish to attend the conference but can make other sleeping arrangements. (All other conference details can be found by clicking here.)

PRICE UPDATE 13 July 2011:
(Remember - all evening meetings and coffee are free!)

All Four Days
Adults: 400 Danish Kroner
Students: 250 Danish Kroner
Ages 0-6: Free
Ages 7-14: 150 Danish Kroner
Ages 15-20: 250 Danish Kroner

Day Visit
Adults: 200 Danish Kroner
Students: 150 Danish Kroner
Ages 0-6: Free
Ages 7-14: 50 Danish Kroner
Ages 15-20: 150 Danish Kroner
(Half Day is half price)

Any readers who wish to support/promote/attend this conference are most welcome to use this picture on their own websites/emails/facebook pages to help us get the word out. For simplicity, you can just save the picture below and then hyperlink it to this web address:

This conference is a rare chance for the brethren in Europe to gather and sit under excellent reformed preaching, build relationships, get opportunities to speak one on one with the keynote speaker, and get a much needed kick up the pants to contend earnestly for the once for all delivered faith. The Lord Jesus Christ is so worthy of our undivided attention and fervent labor and Reformation Resurrection 2011 will equip us for Europe's single greatest need - that the Gospel must thunder once again from pulpits in every corner of this continent. Click here for all the details.

Voddie Baucham describes himself as a cultural apologist. He explains what that means in the following short video:

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