Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just Added - Institutes Of The Christian Religion

Calvin's monumental theological treatise has just been added to the resource directory! If you like to eat steak then you'll feed well on this.

John Calvin

Category: Heroes, Puritans, And Reformers
Click Here To Order
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion is a monumental work that stands among the greatest works of Christian theology and Western literature. It ranks with works such as St. Augustine's Confessions and City of God in value, insight and significance. The Institutes have molded the church's understanding of Christian doctrine for generations and has had untold influence in the development of Western thought in both the religious and civil arenas. Calvin's Institutes represent his life work in teaching theology. They first appeared in 1536 and went through three significant revisions - each expanding and building upon the previous. This particular edition represents the final form and of which Calvin was very pleased.

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