Saturday, May 14, 2011

Just Added - The Bondage Of The Will

Luther's masterpiece on the true nature of man has now been added to the resource directory.

Martin Luther

Category: Heroes, Puritans, And Reformers
Click Here To Order
What is at the heart of Luther’s theology and of the doctrine of justification which struck his soul with a bolt of divine lightning? It is the original depravity and sinfulness in man – that which he knew well as an ascetic monk in the Augustinian order. No doubt this is a cornerstone work for the Reformation and for the truth. Luther thought that of everything he wrote, this was his best and most useful work. Every Christian should read this work. If we do not understand how our wills work, who we are before God, and how we ought to continually view our standing before Him as a result of Christ’s work, then we can never understand salvation.

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