Friday, March 18, 2011

Rob Bell Gets A Much Needed Spanking

I recently posted my commentary on the storm that erupted over Rob Bell's new book "Love Wins". Though Bell has broadcast his heretical views for more than five years now, he has been so vague and hazy about it, that many commentators have given him the benefit of the doubt. But in his latest video, and book, Bell really started to strut around without his sheepsuit on - so much so that it did not escape the notice of many respected Christian leaders who have since pronounced anathema over Bell.

Martin Bashir is a world famous interviewer in the secular media known for his exclusive interviews with people such as Michael Jackson and Princess Diana. Bell must have thought he would be safe from a theological mauling when he accepted Bashir's invitation onto his show. I don't know if Bashir is a Christian or not, but what follows is a face to face thrashing that Bell should have received a long time ago from many discerning Christian apologists. Martin Bashir was like a dog on a bone in this interview which provided yours truly with some much needed therapy . . .

It may well turn out that Bell has shot himself in both feet in his publicity stunts to promote "Love Wins". If anything positive comes out of this, let's hope that it includes Bell no longer pretending to be a Christian!


  1. Bell is a very confused individual. He wants to "be all things to all men" and winds up getting nothing right. He doesn't just miss one tree once in a while, he can't even find the forest. As such, he most certainly should not be a pastor. Not until he grows and learns and is willing to stand on scripture instead of his feelings. He might be actually born-again, but no one would ever guess that from his mumblings.

  2. Jim, not sure that bell is confused...the foundation of his ministry is a desire for fame, popularity, money, and the admiration men and women. Looking at the way he systematically undermines biblical credibility and the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ, he is prepared to create his own reality and personality cult for most likely all manner of fleshly lustful ends. There are many wolves in sheep clothing out there, but none less than those that have secretly sold their soul to the devil for fleshly gain. Rob Bell is one of these unfortunates.

  3. Here is an interview with Martin Bashir regarding his interview with Rob Bell and assessment of the book.

  4. David, just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. He certainly does all the things you said, I just pray that he's confused and not utterly apostate. Either way, he should never be allowed to preach to anyone.

  5. I just want to recommend the interview Lane referred to. Thanks for the link. If you have half an hour to spare, do listen in.

    Not only does Martin Bashir give a devastating - but fair - further critique of Rob Bells book and he comes across as a real professional, keen to do his job as a good journalist, pursuing the truth. Real salt and light. Any Christian who works in the secular world should listen to this.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sadly for every Christian out there saying good on you Martin for calling a spade a spade there are just as many saying poor Rob Bell how mean Martin was to him.

  8. Its amazing how many words someone can use but never actually address the question.

    Another term I notice starting to appear with regularity is "biblical imagination" what will they think of next.

  9. There is a creepy Rob Bell obsession on this blog...
    Do yall really not get tired of talking about it?

  10. Another small time pastor who is guilty of slaughtering the fallen (in your opinion) of the Christian army.
    Any chance you folks have heard of grace - or is it all ATTACK???
