Monday, September 20, 2010

Why Hillsong Should Invite Shai Linne

The lamentable state of the modern evangelical landscape is strongly evidenced by the abundance of preachers who prefer deism to depravity, therapy to theology, psychology to penal substitutionary atonement, and Dr Phil to doctrine. This lack of faithful Gospel preaching is a regular source of discussion on this blog and with good reason - it lies at the hub of an apostate wheel.

If you are like me then you need to come up for air at these times and be edified by something that is God glorifying and full of redemptive quality. I stumbled upon this video several days ago where "reformed rapper", Shai Linne, recites a poem and then launches into a short sermon. Whether rap is your thing or not this is so worth the listen because of the content . . .

How great it would be for Hillsong to invite Shai Linne to one of their conferences so that he could teach them the Gospel! They need a lot of help in this area . . .


  1. You do know the blonde in that Hillsong Kids video is Julia A'Bell, the wife of Joel A'Bell. They are now the executive pastors at Hillsong and effectively second-in-charge after Brian and Bobbie Houston.

  2. Newtaste that is very scary information, though not quite as scary as the thought that Julia A'Bell is setting a benchmark on how to produce false converts in a children's ministry setting. I have actually corresponded with Joel A'Bell on his blog at your suggestion . . . and he seems to be under some sort of impression that we "all agree on the main things" - what pure fantasy!

  3. "This lack of faithful Gospel preaching . . . lies at the hub of an apostate wheel."

    Very well put.

  4. Hillsong wouldn't have him but I'm sure I could persuade leadership to have him at our church if he came here!!!!!

  5. I posted the video on my wife's fb account. Look at the response...

    If I pray and ask Jesus to forgive me of my sins and I repent of them He is JUST to forgive me of them and He will save me. Jesus DEFINITELY WILL save me if I call out to Him. That is in the Bible and I don't get the venom against this lad...y at all. If I choose to accept God's precious gift of salvation I WILL HAVE A FANTASTIC LIFE (to the extent that I live for him) even if that life includes much persecution. To die for Christ is the most fantastic life one can have! I understand that, at age 8, many children are just going through the motions and don't understand but MANY do get it. And many more have had the seed planted and will seek Him later. Yes, the lady should have explained the price paid to obtain this forgiveness, and the cost to us as followers...maybe she did...we did not see the entire evening. I think we need to be very careful about "condemning" everyone that doesn't preach "fire and brimstone" lest the pendulum swing to far the other way. Conviction and fear of God is DIFFERENT than condemnation. We who have accepted His FREE gift are NOT condemned. Be so very careful of the "you lie, you fry" mentality. If a Christian sins and dies before he asks forgiveness, does he go to hell? If so, let me confess my sins and then shoot me quick...please. NO. God's grace is sufficient and, yes, I can live however I want after salvation and go to heaven. WHAT? Everyone pray for Gale quick. I submit to you I can live however I "WANT." HOWEVER, if my salvation is sincere and I REPENT and understand the PRICE I will only WANT to live for Him and will be sore ashamed when I fail (turning quickly for the forgiveness and repentance I ALREADY have obtained). I think we are so afraid of the free gift of salvation and "false" conversions that we seek to scare our kids and ourselves into manipulate them out of fear. That is NOT God's Way. The fear of God is knowledge and knowing that He is both righteous and merciful. If your child has a REAL encounter with Jesus and you live and show them a REAL walk with Him, trust God to keep their hearts and minds because we are not wise enough to do it. Only He can. And, btw, only He will know if it's a "real" encounter so our job as Christian parents is never really done, which is another reason we walk and talk and lean on Him daily! He is the only WAY!See More....


    In all fairness to this precious sister, we have no idea what her sermon was about. We saw the last few minutes of a very touching altar call. They asked for forgiveness, asked God to help them in their lives and adored God. On a child's level, this altar call was very relevant and I've been doing children's ministry for 30 years.

