Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Politically Incorrect Guide To Islam (Part 1)

Jesus healed the sick, Muhammed healed no-one. Jesus could make the blind see. Muhammed could only make the seeing blind. Jesus made the crippled walk. Muhammed could make the walking crippled. Jesus could take a dead man and make him alive. Muhammed could take a live man and make him dead. Jesus multiplied food to feed thousands. Muhammed could divide the loot among his followers. Jesus could walk on water. Muhammed could ride a camel. If you visit Medina you can visit the tomb where Muhammed is buried. But if you visit jerusalem you will find an empty tomb. The Lord Jesus Christ has risen. He is the way, the truth, and the life. No-one comes to the father except by Him. (Peter Hammond p94 Slavery, Terrorism, And Islam).

With the Mosque at ground zero controversy raging right now it is a good time to have a listen to Robert Spencer from Jihad Watch clear away the propoganda fog that swirls around Islam:

Go On To Part 2

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