Monday, August 3, 2009

Paul Washer - A Real Man Preaching the Real Gospel

We have been so priveledged in Denmark with the recent visit of Paul Washer and Charles Leiter (the author of Justification and Regeneration). To be able to sit under such wonderful godly teaching in such an apostate land was like a dehydrated man taking a drink from a fire hydrant. The videos from all their sessions can now be viewed on Sermon Audio and are so very much worth the view. Much of the teaching focussed on the fundamentals of a biblical church and getting the Gospel right.

This sermon is a wonderful contrast to Rob Bell's pathetic and disgraceful attempt at preaching/distorting the gospel as shown two days ago. It also features a Danish translator which stretches out the time but gives the listener the opportunity to digest the sheer weight of Paul Washer's message. So take the time to listen to a man who loves to glorify God and earnestly desires to see sinful men come to saving faith. So much so that he does not shy away from proclaiming the "hard truths" of the once for all delivered faith.

Paul Washer taler i Randers 2009


  1. I thank God for brother Washer. I've only been familiar with him for about 6 months now and his ministry has truly blessed me in my walk with Christ. I was so tired of always hearing the same old "God loves you and has a great plan for your life" when what I really needed was the sharp and solid truth of God's word buffeting my body and whooping me into shape. I pray more men will rise up and stand on God's word amidst this perverse and crooked generation in which we live; men that will not stand by and watch quietly while the pure and true gospel is traded off for a comfortable counterfeit. I'm sure it's a privledge to be there.

  2. Hi Cameron ~
    I watched the Paul Washer video today and found it to be excellent. I don't know how you could go away from that church service not knowing the gospel. I thank God for men like him! Thanks for sharing.
