Thursday, August 13, 2009

More From Denmark - Charles Leiter On Church Discipline

Charles Leiter (author of the book Justification and Regeneration - the top seller on the Monergism website) also visited Denmark recently with Paul Washer and had plenty of godly wisdom to impart. The subject of church discipline is HUGE. Many churches either don't do it or don't do it biblically. Tolerating sin in the camp is both a reproach on Christ and an unloving way to treat an unrepentant church member. This video is worth hearing for the wonderful illustrations Charles gives - including the story of when he had to subject his own daughter to biblical church discipline.


  1. I'll definately check it out when I get time.

    Have you listened to his series on Romans 7? Very edifying...

    ...huh, strange I just checked Sermon Audio looking for them so I could post a link but now I can't seem to find them.

    Thankfully I got them all on file and on CD.

  2. ...bah, I looked a little harder and found them. The series starts with "Context and Intro (#83)" and goes through to #89. Each sermon is about 30-40 minutes so there's probably several hours worth of material. I'm posting a URL which will take you to a thread I started at CCF which has links to the series as well as links supporting other views.

    I'll be honest it really challenged my view on "the man in Romans 7"

    It's a lot of info but I hope people can weigh it for themselves and hopefully come out of it with greater understanding of God's word.

    URL to the thread which contains links to Leiter's series and alot of other information:
