Friday, June 5, 2009

It's A Girl

Great News - IT'S A GIRL. My darling wife gave birth to a healthy gorgeous little girl at 2:34 am Wednesday 27th May (Danish time). This is the reason why I haven't been personally posting over the last week. It has been "all hands on deck" on the home front. Nonetheless I have been thrilled to have my "brother from another mother", Shaun Little, post his powerful and God glorifying testimony over seven installments. As we sift through the wreckage on the landscape of modern evangelicalism it is a breath of fresh air to hear a story of God's transforming work on the most unlikely of candidates. But transformation is not God's only forte. He is also called the Creator and it is a wonder to behold the creative work he set in motion nine months ago as we held our beautiful baby daughter for the first time in the early hours of that wednesday (27th May).

All of our children have entered the world during the "graveyard shift" (between midnight and 6am). We even thought changing timezones might fix that which was the main reason for our move from Australia to Denmark but to no avail. All our children seem to be determined to enter this world at a time when we should be sleeping. But we have nothing to complain about and we give praise to God for dealing so graciously with us. We recognise that she is a precious gift on loan from the Lord, and we as parents are entrusted with the task to raise her in the reverence and awe of the Lord, that she may worship, love, obey, and serve Him all her days.

HOW ARE THE PARENTS - My wife is my hero. She has an amazing tolerance of pain, and made a very quick delivery (inside 3 hours labor) with a few small groans of pain right at the point of delivery. There were some drugs administered during the delivery but that was for the father who can be a real sissy when it comes to blood and needles. I may need to hand in my "man card".

SIZE - she is 3.3 kg, and 52 cm long. That's 7lb 8oz and 17 inches long for our friends in the Obamanation and for our Amish friends with secret e-mail accounts, 3 Ephahs 8 drams in weight and 1.7436 cubits in length.

NAME - Of course I wanted to give her a Bible name. But Mrs Buettel thought that "King James Version" was a bit too long and not very feminine. So we settled on the very feminine name our eldest daughter suggested because it means . . . . well we don't know what it means but it's the name of her favorite doll and we really like it.

Thankyou for your prayers and you are most welcome to send wellwishes here or to my e-mail


  1. Cameron ~
    Congratulations for your new addition! That's so exciting!
    Ed and Laura Johansen

  2. Congratulations to you and your wife! (All babies are a blessing, but I tend to like baby girls more, as they are more fun to dress!) How wonderful for all of you.

    Marla B

  3. Congrats, bro!

    What a precious little wretch you got there ;)

    Hope y'all are doing "better then y'all deserve," up there in Standby...

    Looking forward to seeing you the at the Paul Washer seminar...

    God bless,


  4. Congratulations on your precious baby girl!

  5. Congratulations to you all Cam.

    Graeme and his mob

  6. I send you much love from a wretch in Georgia! That is a beautiful girl! I love the site. You all are such a blessing to me.

  7. Congrats Brother!
    What a blessing!

    Pastor Ralph from Pennsylvania
