Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Hero is Only Thirteen (Part 4)

These are the concluding videos on the fascinating story of thirteen year old Deborah who has grown up in a staunch Christian homeschooling family in rural England. Deborah is a real piece of work and never backward in coming forward "with a reason for the hope that lies within" her. As you watch Deborah it is easy to forget that she is only 13. Please keep that in mind if you are wont to critique her social skills.

Watch out for a cameo appearance by Todd Friel of Wretched Radio (at least in audio form).

Deborah is a forceful preacher of sin, righteousness, and judgment but at the end of this you will get to witness her tender heart motivated by Christ's love. Deborah is my hero!

Coming Thursday - Don't Waste Your Financial Crisis
The video of the sermon I preached to all the workers during my last day at work (I was laid off due to the economic crisis)

Go Back To Part 3
Go Back To Part 1

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