Sunday, February 1, 2009

Paul Washer Sermon Jam - Jesus Christ is Everything

Oh LORD - please raise up preachers like Paul Washer in Denmark and Australia. Listen and hang on every word this preacher says.

There are so many "modern churches" exploring every imaginable innovation to continually capture the attention of a generation with so much ADHD you might as well call it AD. John Wesley said set yourself on fire and people will come and watch you burn.

Young preacher, old preacher - set yourself on fire. Preach as a dead man to people on death row . . . after all - Jesus Christ is Everything! What else is there????

God please give me the strength to spend and be spent in labor that bares eternal fruit . . .

1 comment:

  1. Paul Washer always grabs my attention . . . and he's not even "relevant".
