Friday, September 26, 2008

Fireproof Opens Today

Fireproof, by the makers of Facing the Giants, is a great film about real life, marriage, and God's intervention. I encourage everyone to see it this weekend (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) in that opening weekend numbers will drive how long it stays in theaters and whether or not theaters will show more films like this in the future.

There's been quite a bit of publicity about this film recently. Articles have appeared in USA Today and yesterday Dr. Phil's show was about marriage and featured firefighters, police officers and the star (Kirk Cameron) and producers (the Kendrick brothers) of the film and the pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church.

Also, the Love Dare, the book featured in the film is on it's fifth printing (and it hasn't even hit stores yet) due to demand.

Here are some things to look for in the film:

Look for actors from Facing the Giants to turn up again

The place kicker is driving the car that leads to a wreck

The coach of the winning school in FTG shows up at the end of the film, but not as a coach

One of the dads from the FTG football team helps move the car off the railroad tracks

The opposing coach with the lollipop in Facing the Giants is back (with a lollipop)
Look for the Lollipop Shop in a clip that is owned by the opposing coach from FTG.
I think the car lot from the Kendrick's first film, Flywheel, is in the film as well. Not too sure about that one.

Both Kendrick brothers are in the film, as is their father. He's in a wheelchair. They were all featured in a past issue of HomeLife magazine.

Also, years ago Kirk Cameron stated that he would never kiss another woman other than his wife, even if in a movie or television show. There's a scene where he kisses his on-screen wife and we all know Chelsea Noble did not have a part in this film. So what gives? Well, the Kendricks and the folks at Sherwood Pictures have also said they would never have non-married couples be intimate or kiss in a film. This is what they did. They flew in Kirk's wife, Chelsea, put a dark wig on her and adjusted the lighting so you couldn't tell. When Kirk's character kisses his wife, it's actually Kirk kissing Chelsea.

So, get your tickets. Seems that has listed this film as the best selling movie for the weekend through their site. That's great! Don't miss out and don't miss the film.

Courtesy of David Tarkington at "Get Real"

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