Tuesday, September 2, 2008

David Wheaton - Tennis Champion and Champion Witness

I was recently sent a mail by David Wheaton encouraging me with my blog. David was a world class tennis player who is now a world class ambassador for Christ. I have heard David on his radio show "The Christian Worldview" and when he sits in for Todd Friel on "The Way of the Master Radio". I had the great priveledge of meeting David while I was in the USA last March during the Shepherd's Conference. He is a man who is a tremendous advocate for biblical discernment and exercising a biblical worldview and is also one of the few people tall enough to see Todd Friel face to face.

David has written an awesome book called "University of Destruction" which is a vital read for any Christian embarking on the atheistic/humanistic/evolutionary strongholds called "higher learning" or universities. The constant barrage of anti-Christian sentiment undermines many professing Christians as they are ill-equipped to discern via a biblical worldview. If you're about to leave the mother ship and embark on "higher learning" then get your hands on this book. It is a biblical gameplan for influencing your campus for Christ instead of being influenced by your campus for carnality.

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